General Discussion

General DiscussionMy opinion on hero changes and mid lane.

My opinion on hero changes and mid lane. in General Discussion

    Phantom Lancer is now a snowball hero, he's lost most of his lategame potential in exchange for powerful early/mid game. He's also transitioned from a split pusher to a teamfight hero. I like the change but I feel if he doesn't start snowballing, he has a horrible late game.

    No comeback mechanic and his 'flash farming' isn't actually that fast. Even with 10x illusions that means you clear waves roughly 2.5x faster (if you last hit everything) than you normally would. His Rush skill is literally a snowballer skill and is near pointless if you're playing from behind except maybe gimmicks you can use to escape with it.


    Am I know only one who feels like the additional chakram on Timbersaw to be crazy powerful? I think people haven't gotten use to it yet and have only been doing the double chak to 1 spot burst. Highground against a Timber with Aghs sounds near impossible to me. I can't wait for pros to adjust to it.


    Bloodseeker should be played as a #3 now in my opinion or even a #4. His buff is way better when placed on your mid or carry the aoe silence screams support. I can seriously see him being picked situationally as a support if he goes into CM mode. In a non stomp setting, his Bloodrage isn't that OP because of that additional 40% damage taken.


    Earth Spirit used to fall off so hard but that new Aghs really makes a huge difference. It gives you the ability to throw enemies far away or make an ally invulnerable. Great #3 and #4 potential.

    Midlane has been buffed so much by the double runes. It means you have guaranteed sustain and either runes for easy ganks or gold. Some people might write it off as a minor thing but it is really a huge buff. You have even greater influence over games than before and your team can use the bird more often since you won't b-crow as much. It really has diverted the meta slightly away from 'Arteezy' boring farm mid toward original ganking one.

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      The new Bloodseeker silence is ridiculously annoying. In a hectic team fight it's really tough to dodge and that silence lasts for ages.

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        Yeah, the AoE is gigantic.

        I think they made it like that because of the delay (heroes like weaver/am/qop could escape easily). I do think it should be smaller even after accounting for those.

        waku waku

          i'm tired of seeing bloodseekers who still think they're carry and only use bloodrage on themselves
          help me


            Unit takes 25% more damage at all levels, but deals 20 + 5*skilllevel % more damage


              Yeah I was talking about it being maxed out.

              Some people have been showing stuff like bloodrage rampaged on Zeus getting rampage but its only really like that when you're stomping.


                I made a mistake, i thought the damage taken would be a consistent 25%.


                  The new Bloodseeker is pretty fun.
                  Went mid, got blademail and tons of hp.

                  Bloodrage self, Blademail on, Blood Rite, enter Yolo Mode

                  Timeraw with double Chakram was also insanely fun. His single target burst goes through the roof and AoE denial is great.

                  I snowballed early in both of these games though. I'm also at the level where BKB seems to be an afterthought for most players, even when getting battered by magic damage.


                    Here is an example how a timber is able to def highground easily with aghs:

                    I was the one deffing while the others pushed lanes, as you can see not a single t3 down, you clear waves in a single second and you have a huge dmgoutput if you use double chakram on the same spot ( and you are completly save cause not even a void can reach you.)
                    Its a great addition to your pushing and counterpushing power (not something timber ever had problems with though), we had not much teamfights and it was just one game so i can't say much about the impact, but in theorie you can make a lot with the second one.


                      Relying on Blademail is really gimmicky though I admit I've seen it kick ass.

                      @Hasegawa, yeah unless you're really ahead, you're not really gonna be able to force into highground with 2 chakrams there. I can't wait to see big plays with it in competitive.


                        "Am I know only one who feels like the additional chakram on Timbersaw to be crazy powerful? I think people haven't gotten use to it yet and have only been doing the double chak to 1 spot burst."

                        Granted I've only tried it for two games but I'm impressed. Putting them down in a row after you've hit with the first is crazily efficient. Your ability to isolate enemies goes way up especially since you can easily open new pathways to get to them easily. While Timbersaw could previously flashfarm with R+Q his late game it's more like lightning farming in the late game now with 2xR. It would be interesting to see stats on Timbers farm progression after the 30 min mark I suspect it's in the top 5.

                        New meta definitely favors Timber somewhat with the 1% jump.