General Discussion

General Discussion96.something something MB update

96.something something MB update in General Discussion

    Fixed various matchmaking exploits


      Another one right now 41mb...


        I think that 41MB is fixing the bald models.

        ICE SKULL

          whats the matchmaking exploits

          i hope tbd pickers cant play zeus now because valve only listens to reddit about it and i saw 2 threads regarding it


            they listen to liquiddota and playdota as well.

            ICE SKULL

              nah i made a thread about this on devdota2 and i was banned for spam and ppl have been talking about it on playdota and nadota since january

              valve only did this because of maelks thread

              ICE SKULL

                i also made it on reddit last week but it got downvoted cuz "zeus? hero damage? wow this guy is trolling"


                  no one takes you seriously on devdota2 though.


                    wait... is that a thread you started?

                    the title is "Why are account buyers allowed and what's with the sudden appearances of TBD players"

                    You have stated you sold multiple accounts. It is more important for Valve to ban people selling the accounts rather than the people buying them (just like a drug dealer is a higher priority target than the drug addict.. not that i'm against legalization).

                    ICE SKULL

                      the real question is why are you comparing drugs to account buying

                      ICE SKULL

                        and the second real question is, are you this dumb and havent figured out why after so many months why many high mmr players such as myself sell accounts


                          You sell accounts because it is easy for you and you make money, but you have no right complaining about account buyers.

                          The sellers are the real problem.

                          And I'm comparing it to drugs because it is an accurate comparison. You are selling a product considered* illicit in nature, and then complaining about people who buy that product.

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          ICE SKULL

                            lolz except its wrong but whats the point of telling you this when you compare video games to drugs


                              strong argument /s

                              ICE SKULL

                                should you be saying that when you compare video games to drugs?


                                  No. I should be saying that when the person I disagree with can't form a proper argument for their opinions. So everything is in order.

                                  You are still unable to justify the fact that you have complained repeatedly about account buyers ruining your games and high MMR dota, but at the same time you have sold multiple accounts. Having sold multiple accounts, you have ruined far more games than any individual account buyer.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    guys, if u are gay and like to talk so much drama, you can always talk on steam abut your kinky stuff.


                                      @violet Sky

                                      yea but then he would have to friend request me on a different account every time he wanted to talk to me.


                                        wave is right, just stop it concede cause its embarrassing. regarding zeus... we've been talking about that shit for ages and volvo people dont read dotabuff :D, no one listens to wave on other forums either... :p

                                        luckily they listened to someone else on reddit and this shit will get fixed soon.... now they just have to fix the 15 DAYS OF LOW PRIORITY for winning games being fucking muted! wtf is this shit however i play people report me every fucking game, its no eveen worth it to play to win. if im gonna get 155+ games low priority for winning every time i get out of LP i rather ruin ffs



                                          I never said he wasn't right about zeus being an issue. I said he had no right complaining about it, and that his posts aren't taken seriously on dota2dev

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            hey look hes comparing video games to drugs, by that logic ur a drug addict.

                                            why the fuck would i even send you a friend request, all you do is piss off people with low quality bait while trying to be relevant by spamming reddit links as some form of *respect*. you must have been the ugly person back at the classroom who would snitch on others to feel good about yourself


                                              still haven't presented an argument. Just deflecting from the topic.

                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                              ICE SKULL

                                                yeah better use devdota2 and their moderation as a source of "seriousness"

                                                look at this guy and laugh, someone plz archive this thread with the title "dumb person tries to argue video games can be compared to drugs" and ship it to /r/games or something so his own favorite site can laugh at him


                                                  still haven't presented an argument. Just deflecting from the topic.

                                                  edit: I guess dota2dev is only a source of "seriousness" when you put a [serious] tag in front of your posts there?

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    you're free to come over to nadota or playdota and i'll gladly argue why you're autistic


                                                      still haven't presented an argument. Just deflecting from the topic.

                                                      And consider that 1: You don't like me posting on this forum, 2: You have told us you have been banned repeatedly for multiple account creation on playdota and 3: you call people autistic here all the time anyway without repercussions, it makes no sense to suggest I should us those forums to argue with you.

                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        stop resorting to logical fallacies, low quality bait posts and shitty straw man arguments

                                                        i'll gladly argue with you over at nadota and playdota, what do you fear? :)

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          i feel like the straw man is going back to his nest under the bridge, i will gladly wait for your playdota/nadota thread


                                                            so the zeus abuse is fixed?

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              hope so, ive met 3 zeus pickers now at 5.8k mmr range


                                                                You aren't going to respond to the issue of debate (that you sell multiple accounts and yet condemn account buyers). You will just deflect with insults or non nonsensical challenges.

                                                                feel free to get the another "last word" in.

                                                                That is the assumption, but valve does not disclose specifics regarding the TBD algorithms to help prevent future abuses.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  sad part is that the guy from NAdota suggested an upper limit for mmr calibration of 5k! wtf is his fucking problem... that shit shouldnt be higher than 4,0k

                                                                  ICE SKULL


                                                                    the main reason why i want you post at nadota and playdota is so people can see how autistic you really can be + it keeps track of your edited posts :) you seem to be a bit afraid, is it that you're aware you're a goddamn joke to people? lolz


                                                                      @ concede AUTISTIC MORON ALERT how the hell do you compare video games to drugs
                                                                      how can you say getting banned at playdota is a rare thing? 99% of the users there has been permanently banned at least once


                                                                        Concede in a nutshell


                                                                          Here we go again.


                                                                            if u put calibration limit at 4.5k or 4k its just gna be elo hell for those ppl lol

                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                              i can smell the burns lolz



                                                                                think a bit you stupi d sh it! its not elo hell, its smurf paradise (original meaning of smurf). peoples game wont get ruin and at most they will experience playing with and against better players getting calibrated which doesnt have a downside cause if they were good they would rise in mmr with such players and if you don't belong on that mmr you will lose and eventually stop being 4k! so pls for the love of ZEUS S TFU IF YOU CANT FUCKING THINK MOTHE RFUC KING SHI T

                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  he doesnt mean it'll be elo hell for them, it'll be elo hell for those who struggle at 4k-4.5k such as bogidota lol

                                                                                  they'll get blown the fuck out like concedes autism does here daily


                                                                                    no they wont! those who rise will be worthy of it! if anything it will be better for bogi and co!
                                                                                    remember if theres an influx of people at 4k then the mmr range for games at 4k will be at around 50! cause thats how it is around 4k mmr and until reaching bogi level


                                                                                      Well, instead of a random 2k player in 4k games, would be a random 6k. It shouldn't be that bad!

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        no to be fair, legit smurfing (good players on low mmr accs stomping noobs) will just hurt the players at low mmr more than anything


                                                                                          naiv or fucking stupid

                                                                                          hint: WOULD FUCKERS REMAIN AT THAT MMR FOR MORE THAN 10 GAMES?


                                                                                            ANOTHER HInt!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO PEOPLE SMURF???


                                                                                              ANOTHER HINT

                                                                                              DO WE HAVE AN INFLUX OF PEOPLE RAPING 2K PLAYERS?? (PPL BUYING 2K ACCOUNTS FOR THOSE STUPID ENOUGH TO NOT REALIZE)

                                                                                              ICE SKULL



                                                                                                  So it's supposed to be fixed? I still see the same shit!


                                                                                                    The level requirement for ranked matchmaking is back.