General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked All Pick vs Normal All Pick

Ranked All Pick vs Normal All Pick in General Discussion

    This has led to selfish hero picks both on my team and enemy team leading to very shitty team compositions.

    Anyone else feel this way? Normal AP... bring it back volvo.

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        BIG FAT DUCK

          In Valve's La-La Land: "Hey if we let each team plan their compositions it'll lead to better and more balanced lineups"

          In reality: Trash players still pick cores instantly and expect the team to support them. Meanwhile other team has heroes that click R to win games (Tide, Sand King, ES, etc.)

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          BIG FAT DUCK

            The fact of the matter is there's REALLY no way around this conundrum in -ap mode. All the trash players who pick cores cuz they think "I can only escape ELO hell by farming for 30 minutes and ignoring my team" will still be a fucking burden. The good core players usually wait a bit before picking (except maybe Dragonfist) because they don't want to pick a hero that ends up being useless against enemy lineup.

            What they need is overwatch bans for shiteaters and FUCKING RD MODE. Implement a system so your order in pick queue is randomized (MMR has 0 correlation to whether you pick first or last). That way we can distinguish the truly skilled players from the mediocre ones, and the paper tigers will be ripped to shreds. RD will pretty much always still have the lane/role of a player's choice, but not the one or two heroes a player is most comfortable playing. That is about as "fair" as it gets for both players who spam one hero/don't spam one hero.

            We don't need "planning time," we need a system that rewards versatile/thoughtful players and not people who abuse one hero over and over to get +500 MMR and then suck fucking DICK when asked to play any other hero/role.

            Until they get rid of this shit I'm sticking to cm/cd in solo ranked to raise my 5k MMR cuz otherwise I end up supporting a bunch of mongoloid. If I pick carry I get no support at all, and I CBA to practice my mid mechanics especially when everyone calls mid on loading screen and most of the time they'll just subtly grief/play worse because they didn't get the lane of their choice.

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            ICE SKULL

              i like the new ranked ap, if you last pick mid u get a free win srs

              i dont like how u have to random again if you want to repick because i lost 400 mmr points because of it

              BIG FAT DUCK

                if u last pick mid it's really easy because they won't be able to counter u

                unfortunately that has never happened to me yet

                edit: i should clarify that i don't think this is worse than how it was before, it's literally the same thing. valve now thinks it has "satisfied" some of the whiners from reddit without getting to the root of the problem, which is people who inflate their MMRs by picking certain heroes over and over again. you know you're in for a long ride if someone with 1000 games of invoker demands mid and you have no choice but to give him that role or else he ends up being worthless (and whether or not he's actually good at invoker remains to be seen, it's not like you get dragonfists or hailrakes every single game when a 2-hero pool player shows up on your team)

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                  i really like the new ranked too. I always get the lane i want by just asking nicely in the planning phase and as flender said, no one can counter you mid most of the time.


                    last pick is really too overpowered since first pick doesnt have much advantage because no bans i feel
                    especially in party ranked where you dont have to early pick mid to secure it

                    BIG FAT DUCK

                      i can vouch that if i play as the last pick, i will end up solo supporting 90% of the time. you must be blessed with great teammates because i have never run into a situation where people will pick good teamfight heroes while i am left to pick the carry/mid of my choice, it's pretty much the exact opposite and i have to be the one doing the dirty work

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                        ^you are bitching about people who first pick carry because you can't pick it for yourself. Basically, you're bitching about people with a mindset similar to yours. Get over yourself, start talking to people and don't be obsessed with carry role. From my experience, almost in every game there will be two or three persons, who are ready to try some team-play tactics, if you bother to suggest one. Being it aggro trilane on off, fast-push or picking a lot of late-game teamfighters.

                        New AP is a nice thing.

                        PS And seeing, you're playing on higher skill level than I do, I refuse to believe you always get deaf teammates.

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                          I don't like it one single bit. and it's so so slow.

                          only good thing is that I can take certain heroes from enemy players that are able to play only that said hero. just out of spite.

                          Dire Wolf

                            It's been slightly better games for me but mostly just cus no one randoms anymore. Picks are nearly the same quality but slightly higher cus you don't have three idiots randoming pudge, wisp and huskar for example then not knowing how to play any and all trying to mid.

                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              um, i played support in 30-40% of my solo ranked games last patch. i have no problem with people who pick carries, i have a problem with people who pick carries instantly without any thought of team composition and then suck ass. as a general rule for picking, you should go for the "safe" heroes first (hard to counter, are useful for the entire game, etc.) unless you are dragonfist or any competent player who likes to pick 1-2 heroes

                              this new "all pick" does nothing to address that

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