General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does this guy have 74% win on TB?

How does this guy have 74% win on TB? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I was in a bad match yesterday, playing pugna, sucking it up, but our top and mid made a ton of space for our safe lane TB. Well at like 20 mins all he had was drums and power treads. Eventually spectre came and spanked us all cus TB didn't push at all. He'd be jungling when he should've been pushing, using an illusion to jungle, he'd be in lane at the wrong times and die, and on top of it all, power treads. So much for rat doto.

    I wasn't mean to him, I told him why not build travels, and why not push bottom when all five are top, just use an illusion to clear jungle they are strong enough, and other useful hints. He was very rude, telling me to fuck off cus he has 75% win rate on TB and knows what he is doing.

    So I checked out his matches and I'm shocked. He goes for an early fighting build on TB every game, sometimes he gets a lot of kills, but his hero dmg doesn't really stand out. His farm is very mediocre for a TB, always 6-7 cs/min, always 600 ish gpm. Tower dmg seems low for a TB too, usually 7-8k unless it's a stomp he might break 10k. He builds treads and drums every single time, frequently builds radiance and often builds bkb which is fine for fighting but seems unnecessary in many games. He always maxes meta first, usually a point in reflection along the way, then illusions, not a good pushing build, fine for fighting. I just can't figure out why he wins so much. He doesn't seem to get carried really but also isn't exactly dragging feeders along. I don't get it. Is fighting TB more legit than I thought? Cus I always rat TB. When it works I get huge farm and huge tower dmg. When it doesn't my farm is really terrible, a lot worse than this guy's games. But I didn't think TB was a very legit fighter.


      Yeaaa, its TBs fault you guys have 10 deaths each.

      Dire Wolf

        We fought 4v5 first 30 mins and he didn't even take tier 2s. Was a very easy game to win if he bout boots of travel and split pushed lanes.

        I'm just trying to figure out if treads and man fighting on TB is better than ratting. I think it's not, I think he's getting lucky.


          Maxing illusions doesn't help pushing. Maxing meta first is a mistery. 8k tower damage in a non-stomp game is bad, along with 600+gpm and 15K hero damage.
          Fighter TB is not supposed to work, but it does, but it shouldn't.