General Discussion

General DiscussionThis just shows how broken valve system is

This just shows how broken valve system is in General Discussion

    he dropped to highskill
    at least thats something


      He lost his first game then won 1 andlost 5 more lolol, how is that guy very high, or evenigh from 50 games and 26% winrate lmao icefrud


        26% win rate lmfao.


          hero dmg and kda brought him up to very high... doesnt matter if u win or lose... hidden mmr bro

          Linda | DotaExchange

            Yea, i know, but still is joke. When he goes to ranked, i bet he's gonna have around 4,5, maybe close to 5k.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              nah, he will lose 10 games and be shit mmr

              one and half gun

                so what the fuck is it you want valve to do about it

                remove zeus from dota 2? at least fucking think before posting


                  Wave, you're kidding right?


                    It is a known method for getting new accounts into 4-5k MMR though calibration matches.


                      They alredy fix it
                      MMR is not calculate anymore for dmg dealt ...

                      King of Low Prio

                        yes it still is.....


                          To give you an indication of how it determines mmr it counts alot more than hero damage and game impact. and the hero is also taken into account. I think dotamax shows the player who actually made the most game impact by displaying an mvp award.


                            If you make a smurf and spam zues while maintaining a close to 50% win rate. itll give you around 4k. I tried it got 3.9. My main started at 2.5 (im now 3.5)


                              Sorry for the triple post but here is an example - I was given the mvp award even when I had a lower Hero damage, gpm, xppm and more deaths less game impact than void. It confuses as to why I received the 'mvp' award but i feel that this award has something to do with mmr calibration or hidden mmr before ranked

                              one and half gun

                                3.5k with earth spirit


                                one and half gun

                                  MVP award


                                    you talk so much shit, your an arsehole. I was responding to this post and you make sny remarks. Pathetic person

                                    Game is hard!

                                      LoL Wave 2k trash talking


                                        does what he does best. thinks he is a god or something

                                        Game is hard!

                                          actually he is a 14 year old swedish kid who knows people which would boost his account. His main account is barely 2k. Poor person.


                                            really lol

                                            Game is hard!

                                              Well yeah, arent you surpised that apparently he thinks it is impossible to have a 5k rating without acc boosting or some kind of abuse.

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                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                  Dotabuff in a nutshell.


                                                    Donut go back to your wisp bro, remember the good times