General Discussion

General Discussion4.1k with viper, tips for continuing to rise?

4.1k with viper, tips for continuing to rise? in General Discussion

    Anyone have any suggestions on builds, movements or general knowledge? Also what heroes should I branch to next that play similarly? I like to pick mids and then camp my happy ass there for the first 10 minutes and then dominate the midgame(if I get an option for a haste/invis of course I'm ganking.) It seems to work with great success but there is always room for improvement :)

    My build is wraith band+tangoes to start and I go from there. My item build and skill build varies from there out, depending on my lane or if I've been trolled out of mid or not. I like to get boots-> aquila-> headdress->treads->mek->aghs. Insert magic wand if the game calls for it.

    So, go from there. Cheeky sblade timings? Orchid builds? Throw it at me!

    Please feel free to add me as well if you want to help get my 3.8k party up as it's quite easy to win with one other person because worse come to worst you can always just dual lane longlane and give it hell for ez MMR


      keep building treads ,fast mek, aghs and dont forget situational BKB saves the game


        Honestly I dodge BKB a lot because it's boring as shit. Should I play with it more?


          why aghs, pls explain, like wouldent like shyvas or bladmail or manta or hearth be better?


            when enemies have stuns / disables or a lot of magic dmg nukes, u can really kill 2 people during ur active bkb and with ur mek and aghs u are like immortal!!
            bkb wins games:) trust FyyQ


              aghs is imba for general stats and low cd ulty.. u can spamm it from a big range and make enemy unable to fight in time;D
              btw viper seems way too tanky without heart.. i dont even know why.. feels so hard to kill every time... so in most situations with mek and aghs u will be tanky as f**k

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              THICC BABY SHUM

                ok, tx, 12 sec instead of 30 does make a lot of difference. can use it twice in fight if not more. after these items manta prob be rlly good as illusions have the passive too. or skadi lololol


                  Should you only get mek when you don't have a suitable support to buy it now? or still rush it every time?

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    You always buy mek, tell supports not tobuy it, they can buy wards and dust ad shit like that.


                      If I'm pulling ahead, say 1 t3 down and I have my core up, (mek, aghs treads) I tend to get blink. It usually puts the nails in the coffin because it makes the range on the ulti unreal. There have been a lot of melee carries trending so aghs is usually a mainstay because it makes them crawl like babies do. Honestly the largest boon from aghs is the range and lowered mana cost. The increase in mana cost on mek hits viper hard, and even at 125 mana the ult can feel expensive.


                        are you going to play exclusively viper? idk i remember winning like 6 games in a row with him then playing something else :))


                          No, I want to play the heroes who camp mid for 10 minutes. I like wrecking 1v1 and farming well. "Ganking" heroes annoy me. Why gamble for 250 gold +150 gold setback when 1 minute of creeps is nearly 500 gold? I do it really well with sniper, viper, razor and mirana. Maybe I should add DK to the mix? But I've only done viper on this account. I was 3.3k and tired of busting my ass just to have someone throw it and say "its 3k who cares" and blow an hour of hard work. Made a smurf, got 4k, a much larger percent of my teammates try at this level, making my job much easier. I just figured if I approached this as a humble noob with a strong understanding of a single hero people would give me more legit suggestions :)

                          I get tilted easily so I never dug it out of the trench. At 4k I just mute everyone if things seem bad during the pick phase and then I unmute them if they prove themselves. I'm also treated much better when I finally speak after 15 minutes just to compliment someone on their gameplay up to that point. I've made more friends in 2 days than I did in 3 months at 3k. The system is silly.


                            "Honestly I dodge BKB a lot because it's boring as shit. Should I play with it more?"

                            Man, I hate it when my farmers don't get a bkb when it's necessary. I get it's boring, but in most situations bkbs are the way to go. What good is your farm if you are getting kited or can't get your autos off.


                            This topic reminds me of this game where I would contribute a large portion of our come back due to the hailbird. Our team didn't have much in terms of stun and lock down, but still. PA was wrecking us, but once I was able to get the disarm off, she was useless. Is the extra AC or deso really more valuable than not getting your auto attacks off?


                              well, you chose the easy way, i guess i can't blame you.
                              and at least you don't go around saying MID OR FEED FUCKERS while having 50 wins, and at higher mmr you try your best apparently.
                              what annoys me is some guy who has few wins, apparently much lower mmr on his main nad flaming the shit out of everyone.
                              btw you can climb easy just by playing some impactful heroes.

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                              Dire Wolf

                                I think going boots, aquila, mek, aghs every game is fine. Viper builds don't vary much. Definitely consider phase boots over treads though for even stronger lane harass (+24 dmg is a lot better than attack speed for harass since you just get one hit in usually) and chasing/kiting.

                                Last item go heart, mkb or butterfly. AC if you have other carries who will benefit.


                                  wraith band + tangos, boots, aquila, mek, aghs and after that everything is situational


                                    *** update***

                                    and please dont make orchid :P

                                    hope u rise up ur viper keep it up


                                      bkb is game losing item

                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                        "Honestly I dodge BKB a lot because it's boring as shit. Should I play with it more?"

                                        I also dodge BKB a lot but honestly it's not boring, it makes you freaking GODZILLA
                                        It's fine for a tanky hero like Viper I think, I personally dodge it on OD for the reason that I don't want to be in target range anyway.

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                                          I also hate BKB's but sometimes it can turn a game if you're the one that takes the focus in the fight. Following on from my starting failure to win with this hero I have picked him back up to improve my win rate with him and I do find the BKB to be immensely helpful in team fight scenarios.

                                          You can go damage builds but the hero is really resilient and it would pay to work with that to just making him unbelievable hard to take down allowing you to take the focus from your team mates while controlling the melee heroes in fights and BKB works well for this so you're only taking raw hits which do very little with a Mekanism, or Heart.

                                          While I didn't get my rating by playing Viper and I mostly play supports I do feel the hero itself doesn't need any special detail to allow you win games and the hero itself is simplistic enough to be played the same in 2k games or 5k games. Its not the items its how you play it....stuff like


                                            This was a little lower skill cause I was dual queuing with a friend so it would probably sit about 4.2K as an average. it was basically a 3v5 cause ember and shit tier PA were just farming because they were mad that they fed but Viper is good in scenarios like this and to some extend can take on a larger group of heroes in a team fight due to that same resilience factor mentioned above.

                                            harvard graduate

                                              are you on EU or NA servers? I have exact same MMR as you: 4.1k solo 3.9k party and main offlane (and sometimes mid or pos 4 support). If you want we can play some party games. I am on EU.