General Discussion

General DiscussionEarthshaker mid really strong.

Earthshaker mid really strong. in General Discussion

    +Hero good at all stages of game
    +Powerful snowball potential
    +Semi item dependent (only really needs blink but subsequent items still benefit him greatly)
    +Strong initiator
    +Game is basically ez mode with blink
    +Potential 4.5 second stun makes him beast

    -Weak laning phase (needs blink to do anything)

    I'm talking about Slashstrike's guide to it. I find him ridiculously strong because even if he gets a bad start, the moment he gets that Blink its just so easy to get back into the game. I'm expecting some people to call bullshit on this but w/e, those who are interested should check his guide out and try this.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I read the guide and it was like "you can beat this, you can beat that" but in reality he will lose the lane horribly unless he is laning against a melee hero.


        any build which relies on having a much higher skill level than your opponent is pretty silly. OP can you imagine how much you would crush an ES if you came up against him in the mid lane? I mean there is a huge risk of getting destroyed at mid lane, but on the off chance that your opponent does suck, wouldn't another mid hero be even more punishing?


          I agree with that, you're seldom going to 'win' the lane unless you bait the enemy into eating a double Enchant or you get a good rune. The level 6 "noone expects 1 man echo" thing is true though. It either snags you a kill or momentum.

          Its just once you pickup that blink, if echo is up its 100% solo kill anybody or even possible to solo kill squishies with just enchant. You can even go 1v2 fairly often and situationally 1v3.


            So he is really strong mid with weak laning phase ?

            what ?


              He's an okay laner. It's easy to secure farm by using the totem on high grounds and go down for last hits. Just get your 6 asap and kill whoever is in your lane.


                @WiT_HiN_T, don't really feel like entertaining trolls but mid is the only lane where he gets what he needs. Experience AND Gold. Like Jcs said, its relatively easy to secure farm by toteming and proper lane equilibrium control.

                Post level 6 and blink he basically wrecks anybody 1v1, wrecks teamfights, wrecks 1v2 or 1v3 fights and so on and so forth. And yes, when an ES blinks and stuns you for 4.5 seconds and does roughly 10 autoattacks worth of damage (2 enchant, 1 before the blink) and echoslam and fissure and his passive procing thrice, you usually die. The build also makes him go BKB which allows him to get his combo off without being interrupted.

                Yes, thats how strong he is after Blink with that exp advantage. It sounds too good to be true but aye. Also an amazing snowballer (snowballs harder than a TA, probably on the level of a Slark). He's sole weakness like I said, is the laning phase which I may add, is a very critical weakness if anyone chooses to punish you. Anything else I don't really consider one.

                Because people usually think like you and go theres no real need to gank a midlane ES. I've tried the build about 8 times so far and every game I had the biggest impact on my team. My MMR is currently floating around 4.6k.


                  es mids good offlanes viable aswell

                  Paid actor

                    if u get matched against strong midlaners u r done for...qop./razor/viper/ta gl with ur plan brah...qop and viper have a rly high chance on feeding on u even a decent kunkka can rip u to shreds the moment he get lvl 7...and u forgot to mention that shaker can be the 1 who gets jumped after his blink, an orchid qop/storm a puck a slark, almost every mid hero whos capable of solo ganking can rip him appart. And nope he cant 1v1 every1, coz with ur logic every hero can 1v1 any1 ingame given the right situation. shaker mid is more of a fun hero to play than a decent choice, special mention goes to TA she keeps refraction most of the time up so even if u try to jump on her u wont be able to take her down unless theres a shitload of creeps around her, and if u dont bring her down i dont need to say what happens to shaker from a meld followed by 2,3 autoattacks, and lol man that snowballing thing of urs was funny claming he snowballs harder than a TA.


                      Tiny better than es mid, do the same as es but better.

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                        works for me pretty well, just started trying it two weeks ago

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                              ive talked to slashstrike about it and he didnt always play es mid. rather he started to win with him a lot and had no reasons to stop playing it. think he went like 500 points up in a week.
                              there are some games where he does less than stellar, but more often than not he will rape enemy mid heroes. most int heroes in particular due to them dying from 2 enchanted totems.

                              Paid actor

                                @allison better late than never i guess :). cheers


                                  mid shaker is pretty fun


                                    mid shaker is good because the enemy expects you to do the usual skill build

                                    ive played against some es mid players and they were pretty much surprised and aware that i knew what they were gonna do which pretty much made them lose

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Well in my 3300 bracket ES mid is a waste of space. Unless you are drastically more skilled than your opponent you're going to lose to any good ranged hero. And if you are drastically more skilled then you don't need ES to win mid anyway. I've had a couple kids try to ES mid and feed terribly.


                                        I've played es mid a few times and quite liked it, dont know who slashstrike is though.
                                        Winning the lane is pretty easy, keep spamming fissure with bottle. and unless fighting against qop or puck u can easily use fissure to block the opponent from getting runes.


                                          You're sounding like your mana dont end or like your opponent cannot easily read your moviments on middle lane, or that you can easily get close to a ranged hero or easily kill a tankish heroe just by stunning him in the early game, I tell you by these expeculations earth is good in any lane, but any decent player can overcome him with a good middle lanner as well, or even a ranged heroe.
                                          He wont be able to farm well because of ranged heroes, if he does try to come back he can only stun him from afar and that's all.
                                          Not saying he's bad though, but he's far from being that good.