General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to build Juggernaut since his BAT buff?

How to build Juggernaut since his BAT buff? in General Discussion

    I am really lost on how to buld him, is MoM basher valid?


      apparently so... last game i played in, opponent 1 position jugg got mom first item and did fairly decent throughout the game


        Currently in game tried MoM, but I had to get support items, so i fell very far behind and I hate this game.

        Team is still winning somehow


          What's with the blink?


            You can use it during your ult to jump to people further away and keep it going. Also a solid all-round item


              IMO, MoM now is a core. Weither or not will you focus on Omnislash, MoM will still help you a lot.

              Bot Tyrone

                Blink early game = see random lone hero, blink ulti ggwp, level 2 omnilash drops heroes pretty quick, you can also just blink behind tower, ulti heroes and then spin + TP out, its pretty safe.

                Later on, with items like euls and shit around, you may not want to initiate with blink, but rather use your ultimate and then blink between targets

       - low skill game but you get the basic idea behind dagger, picked it up after battlefury (because kotl was feeding him)

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                  instead of doing shit for late game consider winning earlier and rush scepter after phase boots instead of the typical drums etc.

                  Wanye Kest

                    Just go the "SINGSING" build, the casual phase,MOM,shadowblade,manta,abyssal,rapier.


                      I'd only get Basher if I could upgrade it to Abyssal reasonably fast. After some levels your extra hits during Omnislash cap out anyway, so MoM doesn't look like a great idea, more so because with the Basher+MoM build you'll lack beef.

                      At any rate, keep in mind that the hero is very versatile when it comes to item builds, so just try to go for the best mix for the given game (take into account hero synergies, counters, etc.) and you're good to go. However I'm a fan of Aghs & Drum on Jugger, so I tend to get them most of the time.

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                        agaha is pretty crap on him, unless you played jugg only for the ward in first place, and thus have absolutely no possibility to get farm on your jugg

                        Bot Tyrone

                          The phase/aghs/drums build is a lot worse in this patch, games don't end so quickly anymore, aghs pretty much just gets worse as the game drags on, in addition to what ^ said about it not changing your farm speed, everyone is building Euls and shit this patch anyway.

                          If you have a team that is capable of taking raxes (and the opponents defense isn't great), then it might be worth it.


                            Mom - core. Why? Insane farm speed, good with his new BAT, invurnerable during omnislash, double more hits during omnislash etc etc. Later on you can change it with another as item.


                              trying it right now... gotta say this build is fucking awful though
                              atm i have basilus treads madness and mithril min 12 and i feel like a fucking cm on steroids


                                NOPE, definitely cant carry noobs with this build as it doesnt allow me to carry sentries/dust and the poor hp i got. poor hp cause they are trash players and all. definitely better with phase scepter +gem +maelstrom + good shit depending on the game
                                bone 5.0k
                                rest of my team 4.5 + rest of his team a bit higher.

                                i spammed sentries/dust/gem all fucking game, game over

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                                  you should really make dagger as jugg, he suck ball at being initiated / at counter initiation, but is sooo great at initiating himself


                                    Please explain me what "BAT BUFF" and why jug now needs Mom(??) or dagger(???)

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                                      Consider leaving blade fury at level 1, getting some stats on some of your level ups as needed. Hell, you only really need one level in healing ward and crit doesn't help that much early, just get mostly stats maybe

                                      Bot Tyrone

                                        @benao, you are just awful. What do you mean you can't carry noobs? you were a liability in your game, 2nd lowest level on your team, equal lowest involvement in fights lmao. And this build isn't something that will work every game, of course clinkz is going to shit all over you. Even worse is maxing Q first in that game, why? Like ^ said, most of the time its better to just get 1 point in Q and W and then pump stats/E.


                                          @ Casual

                                          Yeah, sadly it isn't as effective since the new patch and I'll have to adjust, though it might still suffice if Jugger is something like a #3 (it's still great for soaking up damage and doing agressive plays thanks to the extra bulk).


                                            @casual thats the build you stupid fuck. L2P.

                                            @matrice and ofc i wanted dagger and shit but i cant slot all those fucking items with that shit build (considering im playing with fucktards)

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                                            Bot Tyrone

                                              @skyforger, still has its merits I guess, and definitely the better choice for a #3 - at worst you are at least forcing them to be really careful with their positioning

                                              @benao, not every build is going to work every game, even most 4k players are aware that they need to adjust their builds every now and then. I mean you are such a joke its not even funny, you were by far the worst player in the game, you chose a build that clearly wasn't right for the game (both item and skill build), you had the least impact given your farm (which was crap anyway, apparently right clicking on creeps is too much for you). I don't know what surprises me more at this point, the fact that you were too stupid to change your build when it clearly wasn't working or that you actually blamed your team for the loss despite you having problems, omg can't carry noobs :(, when really your whole team can say that about you.

                                              Not one has made the argument that dagger/mom or whatever is the best build for every single scenario, that is a given. It is amazing that you can play 3k games and still have the knowledge of a person that hasn't played the game before


                                                IF YOU DONT HAVE DB+ I CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR COMMENTS. ELSE YOU SHOULD GO K1LL YOURSELf and not post again


                                                  Well this is the last game I played with him:
                                                  Personally, I think aghanims was a pretty poor choice that game but I feel like phase instead of PT works better early because I can get orb of venom + Blade Fury.


                                                    Phase > Bracer > MOM > Drums + slot in magic stick whenever u feel u need into > maelstorm > BKB or blink > mj works pretty well imo, farming is fast and kill potential is high.


                                                      benao ur fucking awful


                                                        11-7 on a smurf


                                                          and judging by your games you wont calibrate higher than 4200

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Feelings on jugg middle lane itembuild?

                                                            Kamado Kun

                                                              its useful to use mom before omnislash? why i though the damage and number of hits was unchangeable


                                                                ofc lol, he hits inbetween jumps so always pop mom while omnislashing.


                                                                  Usually lvl1 Omnislash is only able to kill underleveled supports. With MoM it will drop pretty much anyone on lvl 6.


                                                                    he has a BAT of 1.4. This scales really well with mjollinir, butterfly, mask of madness. I usually get mjollinir first then butterfly, etc. It makes sense he attacks fast with that katana. Once I get a mjollinir+butterfly+battefury with jug he becomes a right clicking machine. Feels like a hard carry to be honest once he has those items.