General Discussion

General DiscussionIntellectual disability on dotabuff?

Intellectual disability on dotabuff? in General Discussion
Sōu ka

    theres a great many reasons to stop posting here
    being insulted is a very minor one


      sad story, poor boy. all he wanted is to be one of you, and you dodiz


        ^ reminds me of you


          @WiT.HiN_T, i still cant figure out y in world u stack me and try to flame/put me down, lol u dont know me, and ur new here anyways stop posting shit on me before u know anything.


            ^^ so harsh "all he wanted is to be one of you"

            Овај коментар је измењен
            THICC BABY SHUM

              was it not? buying 5k accounts and talking to u guys using them??? what was purpose, i dont findit harsh. tell me if it is and y, so idont end up like WiT.HiN_T.


                sry I can't help it,
                it's just I don't like you

                oh and I'm the one new here, y,
                YNIT said right after he realized who is Hael :D

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  u started posting here like 2 weeks ago, heal hasnt been here atleast for month

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    @The Number 12
                    You do realize that noone ever posted any kind of proof that my "belief" (which I don't have) is false?
                    Also do you realize that it also applies to you when I claim that I am not a terrible player? Oh no, of course not, this general rule only applies to people you don't like, am I right?

                    I am still waiting for people to actually argue with me and providing arguments. Until now, most peoples arguments were limited "omg ur shit just admit it" which is not convincing as I am not terribly naive.

                    And in contrast to all of you, I actually change my opinion regularly, so I'd go so far to say I'm almost unaffected by that rule, because I INDEED process all information even or especially when it doesn't fit my opinion. Because I value my opinion low and rely and act on a set of rules based on logical connections. I am just interested to get better at playing Dota, else I would have never even posted here.
                    If I didn't process that information I couldn't argue about it (like most of you actually don't argue about the information that I provide you), but in contrast to you, I am actually responding to critics.
                    Of course I only will change my opinion if there is actually a reasoning behind it and not just because someone said "omg ur opinion is bad you need to have my opinion".

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      Bot Tyrone

                        You don't make any arguments. Other people make argument and all your responses are either paper thin or ambiguous. same as a theist saying "what evidence is there to show god doesn't exist". No we cannot prove a lot of things, but there is sufficient evidence that allows us to reach reasonable conclusions about your ability, especially in comparison to other top end players. When I asked if you thought you were better/equal to rtz or dendi, what was your response? Since you are so familiar with the most basic theories, why not read up on the one where when confronted with conflicting information, your position becomes stronger. In this instance, more and more delusional.

                        Merely responding to a comment does not mean that you "win". Did you ever stop to wonder why nobody liked you on PD? Why nobody likes you on the dev site? Why nobody likes you on here? Why nobody gives a damn about you in your games?

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          "Merely responding to a comment does not mean that you "win". Did you ever stop to wonder why nobody liked you on PD? Why nobody likes you on the dev site? Why nobody likes you on here? Why nobody gives a damn about you in your games?"

                          Because 98% of the humanity has a lower IQ than me and thus is unable to understand me.
                          You wanted an answer, here it is. Now don't even think I'm bragging because I'm not. Why does nobody like me? Because I am talking about things nobody wants to hear because they are uncomfortable for the typical biased idiot.


                            what the hell is going on. why is there an argument in the first place

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                              this is the best

                              Bot Tyrone

                                ^Pretty much the response I expected.

                                You are not intelligent. Here is the definition, stolen from wiki:

                                A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—"catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.

                                Ok sure, you might be good at maths, understanding how computers work or something. That doesn't make you intelligent, you cannot reason, your arguments are weak and are more often than not, dodging the question - yet you will continue as though you are correct. You are unable to comprehend anything that would conflict your sense of self, you have the belief that you are intelligent, the belief that you are a top OD player, and any insult against that is therefore wrong. Intelligence in the general sense, is something that would have others perceive you as intelligent as well. I know a lot of people that are studying Law or Med that I would consider stupid. I know a lot of people that did nothing impressive academically, that I would consider extremely intelligent. The ability to engage in critical thinking, develop good arguments and have an open mind are key traits that you clearly lack in.

                                You are naive, your ego is inflated, and well quite simply, you are stupid. The reason that nobody understands you has a lot more to do with your lack of intelligence than their own. You have come here, as close minded as ever, you will not concede any points, regardless of how clear it is to everyone else.

                                You think you are mechanically equivalent to players like dendi or rtz, which is absolutely hilarious. You continually refer to theories like FAE, but you continually fall victim to the same thing. You whinge about your allies almost constantly, but when others do good with OD or any other hero, the situation is perfect for them! They have wards, they have supports, they have no counters ever! I bet when you have those things and you win, you are very quick to attribute that win to yourself.

                                I'll sum up every thread you have made or been involved in, ever:
                                -retarded argument from smaug/typhox
                                -people respond, saying why you are wrong
                                -you concede nothing and hold your ground, by (a) dodging or (b) saying that you can't prove it. Like I said earlier, its like arguing with a Theist that says prove god doesn't exist, you will turn everything into that where you can, even if its not even remotely appropriate
                                -people call you an idiot, which you are
                                -omg people insulting me :( :( :(
                                -threaten to sue them because you are stupid


                                  Heh, the mods are sleeping again. I'm not surprised that this thread isn't deleted. I can't remember the full sentence but I remember Jason saying "We want most posts here to be related to DotA"

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    i just came to laugh at YNIT for thinking WiT.HiN_T is new here ... he's been here for a very very very long time, before havoc badger as i remember. particularly funny cos the only reason YNIT didn't know this is because he himself is new

                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                      They aren't sleeping, they don't give a crappy ass about this.

                                      Linda | DotaExchange

                                        Nor would i, i would let it cook for a few days, then lock it.


                                          Not before Havoc.. nobody was here before him :D he is on 5th page of this forum,
                                          I'm here from 15th mby

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            All hail the prodigy Smaug, who nevertheless continues to bring amazing theories and strong arguments to invoke his points to the DB forums.

                                            We will always be proud of his amazing OD plays that continues to grace the dota community up till today. His amazing astral timings which helped to create space for his team by fending off against the horde of charging enemy retards can be submitted to the next Top10 in Dota 2 plays.

                                            Thou shall first remember that everyone in the forums are

                                            A) Have a lower IQ then Smaug
                                            B) Can't provide logical arguments and continues to attack his personality
                                            C) Dimwits
                                            D) Infringing on his human rights and we should all be sued
                                            E) Are unable to accept his mindbending theory of MMR system which can revolutionize dota

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                                            Game is hard!

                                              I'm trying to copy wave? Ok, that's a new one. Carry on


                                                "I mean, you can't have one guy with a 60% winrate and an other guy with a 50% winrate but then both getting from the same MMR A to MMR B. How is that possible? " Why do you keep bringing up this?


                                                  Why is everyone so suprised about smaug, you could already tell what a special cake he is just by reading a few of his 10k posts on dev forum. He is even able to counter a simple statement like "the sky is blue" with walls of text.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    Smaug why do you keep posting on this thread? Most people here have never witnessed a real debate and they never will witness a real debate. DB posters do not know how to communicate in a manner that pertains to reasoned argument and you know this. This suggests you have a bruised ego - let me remind you ego has no place in intellectual discussion.

                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                      I am bringing this up because still nobody has argued about that point. You wanna say Winrate = skill, but you can't actually explain why people have different winrates even though they have equal skill. That's very pathetic.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        why so many people keep categorizing everyone as DB posters and referring to them as to the 4 retards who flame on every thread?
                                                        @ Smaug, dude if you argue with an idiot that makes you an idiot, am i right?
                                                        People who think high of themselves and are not shy to brag about it "i got sik skilllz und very much MMR, my IQ=MMR" and shit like that, won't be admired not only on this forum, but on any other forum or even in real life.
                                                        If a dude comes up to me and says he got sick IQ and says im an idiot i will not respect him because of that,
                                                        most likely i would break his nose.
                                                        BTW, if you want to prove that you are better than black on od, just get a smurf and play od only and get 6k mmr.
                                                        Shouldn't be too hard amirite?
                                                        Not trying to be RUDE, nor MEAN, i think any shitter on this forum can be a great guy in real life, it's just the content of your post
                                                        makes you look bad.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                          "BTW, if you want to prove that you are better than black on od, just get a smurf and play od only and get 6k mmr.
                                                          Shouldn't be too hard amirite?" That's an incredibly retarded statement considering that not even Black has done anything like that. You're still crafting theories out of your ass. Tomorrow you will tell me that to prove that I am better than Black I must fly to the moon and build a house there. You failed to give any reason why going to 6k by spamming OD would prove that I am better than Black.

                                                          "If a dude comes up to me and says he got sick IQ and says im an idiot i will not respect him because of that,
                                                          most likely i would break his nose."

                                                          So let me summarize, you think if you come in real life, talk shit about me and my family, claim how retarded and stupid I was for having an opinion, and then I would say "no, I am not stupid" you would break my nose? That sounds incredibly hypocritical. If I saw you in real life, I would shoot you in the head without hesistating.

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            man, you see, i didn't post anything offensive, i wasn't being rude, trying to actually understand your statement, trying to think that you might be a great guy in real life.
                                                            and that didn't stop you from calling me a "retard" which i am OBVIOUSLY not, saying that i "craft theories", do you know the definition of theory?
                                                            i am sure as fuck if i play 1 hero for 3000 games i will exceed 6k mmr.
                                                            if i play any pubstomper for more than 100 games i tend to have 50+ or 60+ winrate because i get better in every game, by examining my mistakes.
                                                            why the fuck were you rude to me anyway, i don't get it....
                                                            edit: where the fuck did i call you stupid??? i still didn't call you any names, and you exagerate my sarcastic comment....
                                                            i guess i know now, why you get such flame man.
                                                            btw i didnt say id punch a guy for his opinion, id punch a guy who blatantly walked up to me and called me an idiot, thinking he is smarter than 98% of people.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              The winrate is irrelevant if you don't look at the skill level of the matches the player is playing in. I know very well why people have different winrates.

                                                              I am not completely sure what your point is. Are you claiming to be the best OD in the world or what?


                                                                Let me list down Smaug's claims in a nutshell:

                                                                1) Thinks he deserves his position on that ranking list (3rd in the world)
                                                                2) Thinks the people above him don't deserve that ranking (notably Black, I have no comment on poloson whom I'm 4-1 against)

                                                                to date he has refuted every single argument, logical or not, against 1) or 2).

                                                                the sad truth is i think any 6k+ player can pick up OD and play it better than him, but he staunchly refuses to believe in that. his argument summed up is basically OD is a weak hero such that nobody could conceivably climb past 5k instapicking OD, regardless of how good he is, which is why he's stuck at his rating/winrate.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  Smaug my boy, you're an amazing OD player and you know it
                                                                  3k od games must be really boring, so you might have reasons to not have a 50% wr

                                                                  but you have to admit that if a better player picks OD, he will climb/maintain his mmr and maybe even play better than you. And I can list a lot of amazing players here from dotabuff.

                                                                  keep in mind that I'm not saying that you're shit or being rude, so keep it cool.



                                                                    Just kiss already!


                                                                      cmon who reads all that text walling


                                                                        HAHAHAHHAHA just noticed these dotabuff fucktards deleted my thread again GG


                                                                          Wow sate cant you trashtalk once in a while? Ffs


                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                              Or its just someone been afk for aiges


                                                                                we postin` music?


                                                                                  Long response of wtf is going on with Smaug: Read casual's post

                                                                                  TL;DR: Read Zenoth's post

                                                                                  gg wp no re, black based 6k od


                                                                                    So basically smaug just said; "98% of the humanity has a lower IQ than me and thus is unable to understand me. If I saw you in real life, I would shoot you in the head without hesistating."


                                                                                      to people thinking they are too fucking smart


                                                                                        @Allison that Pajama Boy video you posted hit my right in the feels, I remembered playing it along with Freddy the fish 1,2 & 3

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          What was the thread about, kinda forgot as so much different random staff and pictures being tossed

                                                                                          Sōu ka




                                                                                              im a gentleman
                                                                                              tips fedora

                                                                                              EZ MID 9k mmr
                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                  anyone who uses the word "shitpost" has autism


                                                                                                    i have a theory, maybe smaug is like the m2k of dota, he just needs 3k more OD games and he will become the best and stomp all the pro players.

                                                                                                    he has got a little bit of autism / aspergers but thats fine, it just makes him able to put in all those hours into something normal people would consider boring.

                                                                                                    when he mastered every single aspect of OD he will join a team and they will pick him OD every single game and win everything.

                                                                                                    people think hes obnoxious now but in 1-2 years of playing like 10 od games per day they will start to respect him for his skill.