General Discussion

General DiscussionAre there good Oracle streams?

Are there good Oracle streams? in General Discussion

    Never played him until now, he feels really good. Any commended streamers?


      1437 plays him quite a lot

      He's decent, however he seem really overconfident/arrogant in his plays. He thinks he's very good, but he often mess up spells like not using ult etc, which actually is harder to do than people might think.

      Spells needs to be taken in right order, on right heroes, and you need very good camera work to play to full potentional.

      He's decent. I'm still trying to learn, and it goes fairly well. I'm still not decent tho

      Edit: Just has to say it: I'm so salty of my two losses on Oracle yesterday that should've been free wins: FUCKFUCKFUCK :laugh:

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        looks like u play him as a core?


          No, I don't.

          I play him safelane, support. Pulling and Roaming. Counterganking usually results in doublekills cause of the ridiculous damage potentional and turnaround potentional.

          You have be effective early game in term of getting EXP, this way you can snowball really hard cause your spells are so ridiculously strong.

          I'm just mixing up with item builds to check how it works. Builds like maelstrom have not have high result, but probably I'm just playing it wrong.


            alright, do u have a recommended replay of yours? i checked some games of 1437 and he played off / mid most of the time
            i played him once against a doom and found bloodstone quite nice
            the possibility of saving your carry with low hp into heal combo into bloodstone deny is giving him a second life basically
            also makes u not squishy as fuck and u get your levels through bloodstone effect (maybe)

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              If I remember correctly this game showcases how to play him earlygame as a safelane support.

              I've not thought about the bloodstone thingy in relation to his ultimate, but now as I think about it it does actually sound pretty good. Thanks for sharing that, however I don't really think it's good until later porsions of the game, as just the heal nuke (E) will usually be more than enough heal.

              I however think it's a doable 5.-6. item.

              I'm still not good enough with Oracle, but when I reach around 100+ games, I can probably theorycraft and come with lot more useful insight.

              One things for sure, I fucking love playing this hero and I might end up with several houndreds games with him shortly.