General Discussion

General Discussionw33 7677 mmr

w33 7677 mmr in General Discussion

    Fucking GOD, how is that even possible to get......... we are all so fucking bad lol.

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    Sup m8

      The dude is a beast.It feels like everything he does is carefully calculated.


        Looks like beesa made a comeback to ranked solo.


          He has 2 accounts in 7k. If he actually spent as much time practicing for competitive as he does pubbing he would have made it big by now.
          Instead he is waga#2


            Who's "sYm.广告位招租q1619017349"


            Welt aus Eis

              I miss Swiftending posting here :( he got to 7k recently as well




                  Is that Hailrake the old one as well?


                    I guess he is not so good on pro scene, because there are basically 5 mid players in his BBC team.


                      The god? haah
                      sym is better 77777777777777 mmmr


                        ive been told that the chinese dude is an abuser of some sort.

                        Seems pretty true. I was monitoring the leaderboard, first day he was 7512 and then next day he was 7777. Gaining 250+ mmr in one day is literally impossible. Assuming all the matches are +25, you gotta win 10 in a row.

                        The queue is 10+ mins and you have a pretty high chance of getting +17/18 games.


                          w33 1v9s newbee and still wins


                            w33 is just a god at dota

                            if only he was good at competitive


                              I guess you realise he doesn't play any other hero than meepo? Let him play anything else and he would drop hard. And that's the reason why he's not that good in competetive and yesterday's games in esportal proves that(his naga gameplay especially)



                                steam account?


                                  @PerfectJar that's right All he can play is Meepo otherwise he's shit. But that sym guy with 7777 mmr is mind blowing


                                    he plays many heroes not only meepo rofl

                                    Sup m8

                                      lol obviously you have not watched his stream. he plays many other heroes than meepo.


                                        Probably some MMR manipulation by Patsouls group name is similar


                                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                          hows the name similar


                                            Might be this account which patsoul and his gang use to boost their accounts with


                                            Yeah probably one of his or guanzo's group or a smurf of theirs, guess we will never know cause there is no linked account. I think to make the toplist it should use your current steam name so people can see who is on the toplist easier instead of guessing.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              @Xan the difference being Waga making money playing pubs

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                he does? ^

                                                i mean... sweden is cheaper than norway but still expensive country to live in...

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  My friend flies for Thomas Cook and lives in makes London look almost cheap by comparison.


                                                    last night for example when i tuned in w33 had 3k people on twitch, waga had less than a thousand. i wouldnt say he is overwhelmingly more popular than w33. and all money he makes is from twitch. basically what i said about #2 is not that far from the truth.


                                                      W33 is just a massively successful pubstar which people watch because they value MMR way above someone with legitimate insight. Waga is not part of a big name team nor is he as high rated so people (being fickle) turn to what they value most. I play with some grill streamers from time to time and none of them are higher than 3.5K MMR but people watch them because they have something that people want.

                                                      IMO you won't succeed as a streamer as much as someone else if you have nothing that people massively value over the other.

                                                      For example...

                                                      Girl Streamers - Titties and giggles
                                                      W33 - Meepo and High MMR
                                                      Versuta - Massive rage, associated to NaVi
                                                      Waga - High MMR, and very calculated, level headed player.
                                                      Devilish - High MMR, Meepo Coaching

                                                      It's hard to stand out these days which is the reason I don't stream at all and why I advise people not to stream or put effort into it. Unless you have something people want, no one will come.


                                                        True that the numbers do vary (though I don't think I've ever seen w33 having more viewers than Waga) it's just Waga is actually trying to make money with his subscriber alerts/goals and 24 hour streams, youtube guides and all that stuff while w33 just has a channel and a paypal wallet.


                                                          In the end it's all speculation... I don't think there's a way of finding out their stream revenue without themselves stating it


                                                            waga actually has made bank though, w33's just starting and i doubt he gets as many donations as waga does

                                                            the guy literally gets donations by the minute

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              I'm not gonna say he is crap, but he definitely doesn't deserve to be first in there. He makes HUGE amounts of mistakes in every game he plays and only wins because he picks last and the enemy team doesn't have counters. If you saw his ES play the other day, he missed a fucking fissure on melee range. Not even gonna talk about his crap naga play.

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                It's like playing with alison where you basically pick everything else then last pick a meepo so they have no counters and you can stomp 60-70% of your games. If there is a counter just pick something else.

                                                                This is why meepo has one of the highest success rates, if you pick last there is little chance the enemy can do anything mid game, cause even with shutdown meepo will find farm.

                                                                EDIT: Case and point league game, pick everything else, then last pick meepo. No counters so easy win. We did this as well in the tournament Alison played in, where we based everything around the last pick meepo and while it was a rough start, 20 minutes in it was a walk in the park.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  yep... and guys ive said many times w33 is trash... :)


                                                                    nobody stated he's trash? Only thing that was stated is that he's over-rated ~ his mmr.

                                                                    he's a very good player, way ahead of any of us guys here. mb not matrice, vroksnak and... Van-art

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                                                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                        Taking Meepo out of his and a lot of other peoples hero pools would reduce them about 1000+ rating.


                                                                          The thing is even if he doesn't play meepo he still plays the other heroes at a very high level , he would probably still be around top 30 or something even if he doesn't play meepo as his main.

                                                                          He's just really good, maybe he is arteezy jr

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            ^As I said, he doesn't. And that's his problem. He really can't play anything on a decent enough level for a "7k player".

                                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                                              who's a legitimately 7k player in the leaderboards in the minds of the people in this thread? im curious


                                                                                1 BBC.w33 7677 - Maybe, removing his meepo would see him at about -1000 rating
                                                                                2 7331 Can't find account so can't say
                                                                                3 M5.Int.NEQROMAN 7320 - Yes, M5 mid player and a very good one. Plays a lot of different heroes
                                                                                4 mYi.lizZard 7300 - Again remove the meepo, and he would lose about -1000+
                                                                                5 ALOHADANCE 7274 - Yes
                                                                                6 Miracle- 7209 - Yes
                                                                                7 Keemerah 7147 - Don't know
                                                                                8 WildM33poPicker 7022 - Don't know but another meepo player probably
                                                                                9 Swiftending 7011 - Yes, very bright and solid player.
                                                                                10 Beesa 7004 - Yes, one of the best carries I have seen and he wasn't on the list due to doing a lot of non-ranked.

                                                                                There are very few players that high that didn't do something to give them that leg up. Some it's heroes, some it's modes, some its just downright abuse, some it was heavy stacking pre calibration before it got "fixed" so I feel that beyond 6500 a player can't get that much better as after then it just becomes an aesthetic number that means very little.

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  ^not the people who worked hard to achieve it, lol. W33 is a 7k player. He has 2 accounts in 7k I'm pretty sure. Being a 7k player though doesn't mean you have a deep hero pool, it means you can game the system better than the other top players. Last pickers and the best core players are gonna be the only ones up there- it doesn't mean they're the best in the world. There are 5-5.5k players that would be better choices than w33 in a competitive setting. But they will never touch his soloq rating.

                                                                                  Good competitive =/= Top rating


                                                                                    yond and keemerah play only earth spirit

                                                                                    and most people have their "go to" hero, you cant just take it out of equation. sa-net has his zeus, miracle has his slark. etc etc.
                                                                                    even in the pro scene tons of them cant play all heroes properly. so why do you expect of pub players to play every hero?

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      he doesnt only play ES


                                                                                      THat's ES?

                                                                                      man cmon, hater


                                                                                        u guys gotta chill, hes a good player, he was even before ranked mmr appeard, its not about the meepo, even tho meepo give freewins cuz it wins 1v5 ez.

                                                                                        and removing his meepo wont change anything, he'd just pick another hero who can solo win and train him to the maximum point:)
                                                                                        even tho meepo is the strongest solo winner im sure there are others who can do the job, like slark fr exemple

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          That's why I gave the impression I wasn't discrediting the player just emphasizing that their go to heroes help boost rating and not skill. He is still massively better than me a about 95% of Dota2 players though but like I said you hit a point where you can't get better at mechanics and from that point its the hero that increases your rating and not your mechanical knowledge.


                                                                                            mechanical knowledge is probably the least important factor in dota.

                                                                                            "just emphasizing that their go to heroes help boost rating and not skill."
                                                                                            and this is so wrong. you cant take one of another. his skill is always there present, its directly related to any hero he/she picks and plays.
                                                                                            edit: and not just skill with certain hero, the game sense overall.

                                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен


                                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                Yeah Sam his Naga was very underwhelming, I got disappointed


                                                                                                  take away 1100-1300 points from meepo pickers and you get their real rating

                                                                                                  with meepo you can do a lot of mistakes and not get punished for it because you'll have agha dagger ultimate orb etc before the other team gets farmed enough to stop you

                                                                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                                    wave kami i used ur bottle build it's like 10x better than aquila

                                                                                                    didn't have to go back to base ever cuz 210 mana every 2 minutes (which is the ~equivalent of 1 sb + pounce + pact combo) unless i died of course

                                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                      I don't ever run out of mana when I go aquila on Slark lol
                                                                                                      Sometimes I even don't do Aquila and just grab some casual clarities


                                                                                                        w33 7742 mmr now , 8k mmr dream is real ROFL