General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's a good riki build?

what's a good riki build? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I never really played this guy much but the new changes are cool and I had a good game last night. What's a good build for him? Treads, diffusal, butterfly? S&y looks cool, give him a little hp, nice maim proc for once enemy runs out of smoke radius, but it might not be needed. I'm not even sure about diffusal being core but the purge is great for a ganker and it's a pretty cheap item for 20 agi.

    What about vlads? Good or bad item? Will the vlads % dmg buff increase backstab dmg? Also what's his skill build? I did 1/1/1 and then maxed backstab, always taking blinkstrike obviously.


      haven't played the new riki yet

      but I think you should max the invis first

      diffusal is always good, sometimes you can go manta to dispel silences/dusts

      and no
      his backstab damage is based on his agility (50%/75%/100%/125%)

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I like PMS -> OoV -> Treads -> Yasha -> Diffusal -> S&Y or Manta (mostly S&Y) /BKB/Basher -> after you get all 3 start working on Abbysal, Butterfly and other late game shit. Also no Vlads doesn't increase backstab damage because it doesn't give any agility (lol).


          what the fuck is Oov


            and everything depends if u playin him offlane or safelane freefarmmz.
            maxing invi is the same as stayin afk fountain.
            u obviously max backstab, unless u wanna be a useless fuck like bh who just do nothing at all.

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              Orb of Venom


                how do i build offlane pls i will only spam this fa**ot hero, i cant win any game atm. id play es but that is hard
                what the fuck i can type fuck but not fa**ot lmfao

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                  Items - Buy a shield and a slipper, and some regen. Then first finish your PMS on lane. buy boots and magic stick, optionally upgrade the stick to a wand. Finish your Power Threads. Now in 90% of the cases you want to build a diffusal blade but sometimes you first build a Yasha and then a Ghost scepter (which you upgrade into an etheral blade). You only buy the ghost scepter if there are enemies like Juggernaut who can easily kill you through physical attacks (omnislash). Riki doesn't really need a BKB but it should be bought now if you need it. then you build your first dps weapon, the Butterfly (or MKB against PA). After wards, be creative, I like to sell the diffusal blade for a skadi if the carges are out.

                  Skills -
                  Usually you start with Invis unless there is a fight at the rune where you first take Backstab. So it's either this:


                  In my opinion diffusal is absolute core, it saves you from dust, the obvious counter to riki, and forces them to buy wards. Manta isn't bad but you rather have half a Butterfly instead. SnY isn't that great on him, because again it just feels liek a waste. But while I'd put Manta as Optional (if the jungle isn't occupied), I'd say that SnY just doesn't do the trick.

                  For lategame I rather have 2 Butterflies than 1 butterfly and 1 abyssal, but that's just playstyle i guess.

                  P.S. I'm a normal skrub, utilize this at your own risk kekek

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                  Dire Wolf

                    I think the downside to rushing butterfly or building two is smart players will already want to counter your smoke and be building mkbs. If they see you with butter also they'll really rush that mkb.

                    I don't think I'd ever max the invis first, the regen only goes up 1 per level and while the fadetime is long, you aren't popping in and out of invis in lane much. You're going to use the invis to gank and run, not harass in lane between last hits.

                    I was just wondering about the smoke cus it's so good but the silence and slow don't increase so leaving it til after backstab is prob fine.

                    I got bkb cus I was vs a sunstrike invoker who got a necro 3 and could kill me with a eul's, meteor, suntrike + some other bullshit nuke stuff combo instantly. But you're right, bkb is not core, just depends.


                      offlane; boots tango

                      u skill invi lvl 1, max backstab; 1lvl of smoke lvl 3 or 4
                      if they trilane against you, u won.

                      ward small camp so they either waste one sentry far from ur 'zone' or they dont even unward it and its alrdy gg.

                      dont farm, hide, make em waste dust - sentries, get xp, when ur 4-6 supports are 2-3, go kill, they have no boots, u have boots + orb, u kill any saport. be a ninja

                      if they manage to do perfect pulls and zoning (which never happend anyway) go leech mid xp.

                      for the build, pt orb - yasha - diffu - sy - bkb or watever u need
                      if it goes super late, replace diffu with skadi

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                        its the same shit, even better now because of bonus regen. blink was useless anyway after a certain point. you dont need more than 5 blinks on a group fight.

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                          sams build is good for 95% of the time, any deviations from that should just be for extreme situations


                            diffusals situational, im pretty sure whether you go pms depends on the lane ure going and the opp too wb aquila can be better in some situations

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                              this was against Arrow.Lance and Arrow.XiangZaii

                              Diffusal is great but IMO if you're snowballing decently you should rush Skadi instead, the defensive stats are ridiculously good and the BKB piercing slow is better than Diffusal's occasional purge. You could still get Diffusal afterwards just for the stats+purge when Ghosts become more common, since it's the most cost-effective high tier Agility item (35 Agi).

                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                mask of madness is a really underrated item

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Thing I'm noticing now is riki's base movement is REALLY slow. Most heroes are much quicker, thus early they can usually run from me. Skadi would definitely fix that, or getting s&y sooner so I don't have to burn all my purges.


                                    zenoth you were up against an AM, i find that you can do damn near anything in a game against an antimage as riki and still win. doesnt matter how pro the AM is, smokescreen + another slow = antimage death.


                                      yeah because he's the only hero on their team amirite

                                      well yes riki definitely has the advantage, but thats the point of picking riki - he isn't a very great pick outside of certain situations


                                        i know, but in a situation where someone needs some assistance on builds idk if a game against an antimage really counts, you probably could have chosen 20 different item/skill builds and only 1 would have lost you that game if you played well.

                                        but the skadi early build is something im 100% stealing from you because i like it. next time i get good farm on a riki and dust isnt my largest issue i'm definitely gonna use that and see what happens. i havent really put work in riki since dotacash/throne and i had a 60 winrate with old riki on my other acct but as you can see new riki is kicking my ass

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          When ganking heroes such as invoker or sky that often go euls do you try to bait of the euls before you drop smoke? Not sure if most will instantly hit euls or wait for me to drop smoke.

                                          What are really good heroes to pick riki against and really bad ones?

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            If they have brains they will just TP out after using Eul's so just use everything you can, maybe you get a kill.


                                              Antimage is your ideal matchup, riki owns him. really though, you want to pick riki against greedy lineups where they will be hard pressed for dust/sentries/other reveal. it can also be good to bait out a slardar/bounty pick against your riki after they have 3 cores- bh and slardar need farm themselves and if you push them into a 4-core situation you can win the game outright. but if they establish bh or slardar as a core don't pick riki. if they have solid jungling support, dont pick riki either.

                                              riki isn't really 'good' against any heroes except AM because he cant really do shit after he leaves the smokescreen, other heroes that use spells to escape have a way to turn on riki out of the smoke.

                                              riki also isn't really 'bad' against any heroes either. yeah bh and slar are scary but if they pick that as a 4th core to try and counter you then you just spend the game inciting chaos, roaming after your diffusal first to pull their gold thin.

                                              the trick to winning a lot as riki though is being INCREDIBLY mindful of their reveal. you gotta watch everyone for sentries/dust, only 1 misposition can end the game for you, because that death will buy them the next set of reveal