General Discussion

General DiscussionRats gods of dota

Rats gods of dota in General Discussion

    You have your typical stereotype rat heroes Nature's prophet, Lycan, Death prophet

    Name 3 other less mentioned/known rat heroes which can rat as hard if not harder than the above mentioned heroes.

    In my book a rat must be able to deal tons of burst tower damage as well as have a good escape mechanism.

    I think other under-rated rat heroes include: Anti-mage, meepo, clinkz.


      What the fuck dp as rat, tb and naga not in the list?

      Rat wise ta is a superior tower melter to DP with less commitment and faster wave clear


        TB rats faster than any of mentioned heroes, if not all of them combined.


          Can you really call it ratting though? Some of them are more about...sieging the towers rather than slowly damaging them and running away.


            They should be on the list just that I didn't want to list all of them. Just want know some under-rated rats.

            sieging towers and chipping at towers, running away is rat dota.

            Agreed, terror blade is the god of all rats

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            Miku Plays

              im surprise no one pointed out that LC can actually rat ...


                Weaver, Enigma, Clinks

                Especially Clinks


                  jakiro and ld

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                    dk? Is he aloud anywhere a rat discussion? Poisons towers and clears waves

                    Village Whore



                        1) Razor (AgS+Refresher)
                        2) Tiny (AgS+AC)
                        3) CK (Manta+Heart)


                          Sven can split push ridiculously fast too


                            tb ratmother


                              MEEPO RAT MOTHER




                                  tb all the way

                                  Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                                    Anti mage?


                                      crystal Maiden op pusher so high attack speed


                                        Agree with most of the replies but some these responses are ridiculous.

                                        Sniper is not a rat.

                                        Dk is not a rat.

                                        Antimage - can definitely a rat
                                        Brood mother - nuff said
                                        Legion commander - very powerful rat with duel wins+desolator+assault cuirass (just lacks the escape part)
                                        Shadow shaman - Agh scepter + refresher T T
                                        Meepo - 5 rats
                                        Tiny - more rat dps than a terrorblade?

                                        Lone Druid - why no one has mentioned him is a suprise, that bear melts buildings

                                        Troll warlord - with right items rats pretty hard


                                          Meepo. Definitely
                                          WIth BoTs and 3 Meepos you can TP to any lane clear creep a wave instantly and poof back to safety. Repeat until at tower, Poof to safety when anyone dangerous is off map.

                                          .... he even looks like a rat


                                            you can rat with dagger and vision.. i thought your thread was asking about nonconventional rats??

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Drow and clinkz. Sniper isn't bad but he does slow consistent wave clear and tower dmg with shrapnel while drow and clinkz annihilate towers when left untouched with searing arrows and drow's ult. Sniper's not really a rat, he just has super long range ways to deal dmg, but it's like any hero with enough items can split push.

                                              Sven is devent, cleave, god's strength for tower killing, if you get a blink you can escape.

                                              Pugna. Good tower nukes.


                                                no one mentionned invoker, morf..

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