General Discussion

General Discussionhow do retards like this get top 50 rofl

how do retards like this get top 50 rofl in General Discussion

    top 30 in axe, yet sucks complete donkey dick on the hero, doesnt play ranked (only plays vs ~3.5k players most of the games at most), shitty winrate

    he literally gets 13 min blinks after getting a free jungle and goes soul ring on the hero but doesnt get battle hunger

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      800 games.
      u can have 40% winrate (like smaug) and shit kda but tons of games and still be in top hero players or whatever it is called
      that shit is broken, dont take it too serious


        oh i see. the guy was parading it around while feeding the entire game so i was confused

        waku waku

          le techies face

          BIG FAT DUCK

            yea i don't see why anyone should place any faith in db's ranking system, it's arguably worse than DSR or w/e that shit website was

            dragonfist reached 7500 with ta but he isn't in top 100

            Овај коментар је измењен

              Mad cuz bad? He's better than you anyways

              bum farto

                Wow 9K hero damage in a 50min game, but seriously everyone has shitty games....give people the benefit of the doubt sometime.


                  Dudes still in normal skill and he comes to the forum to flame other people and calls people cancer, sure bro I'm the cancer

                  bum farto

                    ^ who?


                      Juan jumped my shit in another thread for my sub 50 winrate, not even the one where I joked about my nec winrate when it went over 70


                        Tards are everywhere, in every bracket and every spot of the world. Dont think of them too much, cause you may become one too :)


                          2 possibilities to get in top100 w/ current system:
                          1. be a professional player. your score will multiplied by maximum division.
                          2. main a hero. even if you're horrible with it, you'll eventually get to top100 due multiplication system.


                            ive got multiple 5k accounts ^^^ pretty sure enough people on this site have added me that any one of them could tell you that my random 4k ape friend

                            and im pretty sure im not in normal skill

                            and yeah, the main thing i was confused about was how he was put in "diamond 7" because i would have assumed skill bracket had more to do with the players he faces, but hes facing high skill players or sub 4ks half the time, whereas most ppl i see with it are facing 5k+s

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              you play 6-7 games a day, i wish i had that time to play and i hope you have more than 1 5k account

                              i only have 1 5k account

                              im so sorry :(

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                thats great

                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                  wish i could stack unranked all day to get dbuff top 100 xDDD

                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                    LOL i actually remember that game

                                    u got +0 :D

                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation


                                      2. main a hero. even if you're horrible with it, you'll eventually get to top100 due multiplication system.

                                      This doesn't work. You need to be at least decent with it. While it's true that your winrate doesn't matter, your Division matters A LOT there, which means if you're playing only against bad players (say 3.5k like the OP) you won't get into the ranking at all.

                                      Also, just maining it is nowhere sufficient, you actually have to excessively play it.

                                      btw I love how this Allision guy is even too braindead to get simple numbers right. 40% winrate. Of course. Because 49.99% is technically still 40% right? Noob.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        allison = noob, confirmed by 4k players.


                                          @smaug even playing against low 4ks will get u to top 100


                                            omg i just woke up thats a nice thread to read while im drinking my hot chocolate

                                            10/10 would breakfast this thread gg


                                              the slark dude has 4.2k and is on top5, obviously division matters but not that much...

                                              NextStep ®

                                                Spam 1k games against 4k trench players will get you to top 100 even with below average winrate/kda.
                                                Broken rank system. lol


                                                  this guy is playing 3k players (4000 mmr is the mmr ceiling on US east or west, give or take 100-200, but more often than not you get low 3ks and high 3ks in the same game) most of the time, and never plays ranked, yet he's in the same division as the people that play 6ks in europe

                                                  makes no sense


                                                    ofc he got +0. dirty viper picker.


                                                      people are so mad on this forum


                                                        is avidity top 100 tree

                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          Careful, post that kind of info can get you in trouble.

                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                            Avidity's Tree is better than Satie's Luna Confirmed.


                                                              I was 3rd

                                                              but got rekt by meracle, zsmj, ush and other pros :(