General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar Mechanism?

Huskar Mechanism? in General Discussion

    Is it legit. Has anyone tried it?

    Jay Ashborne

      I saw it on Vsnaks profile once. Must be. Kappa.

      Giff me Wingman

        Yeah it is legit


          he doesn't really use mana, only his heal, and he will always have mana for mek + armor is good cuz he has shit armor.
          but id rather go armlet+dominator than get a mek


            you are wasting his carry potential if you get mek, you can get armlet+boots+RoP 7 or 8 mins into the game and start snowballing

            Jorges Sanz

              Armlet is great cost wise theoretically, but its just so counter-intuitive to beserker's blood magic resistance and attack speed boost. Not even huskar can sustain extended armlet usage without placing levels inner vitality later on or even with lifesteal with the dmg nerf to beserker's blood (i would say it is the one most shittiest skill in the whole game, considering the fact that you get it only later on).

              All the more, a good chunk of huskar's dmg is magical with burning spear. Im not 100% sure if the added dmg from armlet more than makes up the lost att speed from berserker's blood and burning spear stacks.

              i would rather take Mek over armlet.

              Овај коментар је измењен

                you toggle armlet on and off for insane dps, i had many fights in my recent huskar games, where i survived with a triplekill due to armlet toggle.


                  i think its thrash now with the incr mana cost


                    rushing satanic is a better idea.


                      Yes it's legit, do you really need a forum to tell you that?


                        Legit, specially if you get counter picked and have a harder carry in your team.


                          offlane huskar with meka and pipe.... ez ez <3

                          Dire Wolf

                            Huskar is a shitty late game carry cus once enemy has bkb your damage drops so much and he does craptastic tower damage so you have to be really snowballin' to kill their base late. He's like a ranged riki in that regard.

                            To me the most effective huskars are the ones who shutdown enemy carries and then secure a big early game advantage for your team so your true carries can farm. He's really great as part of a duo offlane with a disabler or another good harasser like ogre or bristle. You just push the enemy safe laner out of lane so easily. Or if he is mid he can gank and hopefully kill enemy mid a few times.

                            So if mek helps you stomp more early then get it. And it probably will.


                              get hex on huskar, easiest counter to every hero

                              Linda | DotaExchange

                                I've done it, and It is great on him, if you manage to get it at nice time. He has mana for it, he needs armor, that heal is imba on him. Downside is that it delays your core.