General Discussion

General DiscussionInteresting thought on Dota Psychology and MMR

Interesting thought on Dota Psychology and MMR in General Discussion

    I have plenty of friends on my dota list and one of the more notable aspects of discussions of MMR is that people with 3k rarely complain about their level. They realize they're "average" (this is a loaded term, but for the sake of this discussion, average = median of the population's mmr, which should be around the low 3k region) and are OK with that. It's extremely rare that someone starts whining or blogging to me about how people at their rating are garbage or w/e - they all kind of acknowledge that they're not special.

    Then you have 4k's who are the quickest to complain about the quality of teammates. Because they get matched in games against/with high 5k and 6k players, some of them think they're truly great, when in fact they're just somewhat above average.

    I won't speak for all 5k's (the lesser pubstars) but I complain a lot; I can and do notice my mistakes in matches but I still type long essays about how my team has brain damage or whatever if the shit hits the fan. My experience is that a lot of 5k's do the same, but will typically avoid whining all game since there's no point in doing so.

    6k's and 7k's are a mixed bag - some of them are pretty humble and others are arrogant (even though they have the right to be arrogant, I won't have a problem admitting that).

    I wonder if this has any correlation with status in real life. People who are right around the median in a class or group might not feel very motivated in the first place to strive for higher rank, while people in the upper-middle quantile probably have exaggerated views of their own self-worth and attribute problems to other people (or any factor other than themselves) as to why they aren't at the tip-top of the pyramid or extreme right of the bell curve.

    I'd be interested if there are any actual studies on correlation between rank (quantile) within a group and attitude for any other activity.

    Ова тема је измењена

      Do you have any comment on people with no MMR, such as those below level 13?


        my comment about people bellow 13 lvl will be posted bellow in a few seconds


          You do have a MMR, it's just hidden.

          It's not so much about what ranking you are at, it's comparative to the rest of the population. Basically I'm trying to detect if this pattern is applicable to other areas of life.

          Овај коментар је измењен

            its only about paliers, if ur 3k ur fine cuz 3k or 4k is kinda the same, whereas 5k sounds good (even if it isnt)
            thats why 4k have this attitude more than the 3k's cuz they are so close but yet cant acces it.

            Sup m8

              I'm fine with my 3k rating. I belong here. I am not spectacular at dota, I wouldn't say I'm good either. Steadily improving, and that's what makes me happy.

              bum farto

                Its being close to the hump is what gets someone. When people are approaching hurdle frustration can set in if one or more factors are holding you back.

                2-3K are nice generally and just want to fuck around and have fune
                3-4K still fit the bracket but some of them are pretty ego high despite being low
                4-5K by far the most toxic ego filled bracket for no reason, possible because 5K is the magic number for some where people feel the difference between 4975 and 5000 suddenly makes you an respected amazing player. Trash talk is more prominent than team work and pulling out of this bracket is by far the biggest hurdle.
                5-6K as people climb out of 4K their attitude improves slightly though some still remain toxic players even after making it out of 4K
                6-7K very few people are in this bracket and a lot of the top players very rarely have abandons or general toxic players in their games though sometimes they get matched with people like this.

                I have literally seen a 4400 guy trash talking some guy on the toplist not knowing who he was. There is no winning with some people and you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

                Miku Plays

                  3k is the best bracket no tryhard all fun


                    4k is the best bracket, here people go urn antimage, halberd pa, sange sf, armlet mirana and still win games.


                      There is little correlation with "status" in real life. Bigger part of 0-3k MMR players usually have less time invested in the game, than higher ranked one's and their whole approach to dota are much more casual. They play because this game is addictive. They don't have any goals in the game, or ego involved. Basically its pure fun.
                      The more time you investing in game the more justification you need. - (I'm pro, My "real" MMR is higher, if the team doesn't suck I always win)

                      There are correlation in being a specialist/professional in any area. The biggest humiliation for a man to say that he is mediocre professional. To avoid this pain we have "stupid teammates", "imbalance" and all that jazz.

                      Don't be toxic. Nothing happens in the computer game big enough to curse real human. The game is not perfect. Accept it.

                      BTW - MMR doesn't show your skill level, it's totally not for that. The only thing that MMR shows is your progress.


                        I am 5k+ and I find this offensive


                          i find 3k the worse, i play there in solo queue and either you get whiners or those who just dont give a shit.

                          In party, i play at average 4k and up and while there is the flaming, the games there are way better, people actually try and you dont see gg calls at 10-20mins which I see all the time at 3k


                            At 3k in unranked you get people wanting to mess around in same team with people that actually want to win.

                            The good part about 3k mmr is that if you can beat unfair bots 5 of 5 games with a hero, you are pretty much "quallified" to play that hero in unranked. If you are higher, beating bots means nothing. You'll still lose plenty of games with the new hero.


                              It doesn't show your "pure" skill level, but it has a modestly strong correlation with it.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                2k is fun as fyyq said you can buy dominator take a creep and win mid using the creep while jingling gg jingles.


                                  ^ omg daggur pls dont say my abuse tactics :'(

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    sry, forgot its secret, this reminds me how sing sing build dom in pro 1 v 1 mid and they told him he could but later in game said he couldent and he still won gg. axaxax anyone have link for it?

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      It's like the difference between Americans and British.

                                      Americans grow up in school hearing you are special and if you work hard one day you could be president! Even though it's a statistical impossibility.

                                      Brits grow up hearing you will never, ever be Queen.

                                      Acceptance leads, to contentment, leads to happiness.