General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid advice (Sorry for thread spam)

Void advice (Sorry for thread spam) in General Discussion

    Sorry for thread spam

    Ranked game, everyones fighting for roles beforehand. They tell me to pick void safelane and then decide to run timber safe lane farm and me offlane. Laning phase goes meh for me, but we lost bot tier 1 in like 7 minutes.

    From tere they just had amazing rotations and we had 0 vision

    Anything I could have done to salvage the game?

    Ова тема је измењена
    I am at peace (muted)

      same advice as the one I gave you for pa. Improve farm. Improve decision making. Improve skill combo uses etc.

      Bad Intentions

        this might be the hero that gets you out of normal. ive only played a couple void but il take void over pa anyday because of chrono.

        items on void is straightfoward really, go for crit and attackspeed. mom buriza ac bkb

        but contrary to popular belief, void is a high skill cap hero. the decision making is crucial on when to join fights, farm and especially how to chrono.


          I always hesitate to drop chronos , waiting too long for a perfect setup :/

          will need a few bot games to refine my void


            Tell that timber to kill himself he's so shit