General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Chaoes Knight New Meta

Mid Chaoes Knight New Meta in General Discussion

    With a first point in Reality Rift and 42 second ult he can be a pusher almost like a Death Prophet that needs more farm then Death Prophet but can gank more. Plus with 50% chance to get 1 more Phantasm and Fate/Stay Night Remake is awesome so people just want to hear Phantasm more. Ah Noble Phantasm how sick you really are.


      No, lol. He can be ganked easily, he needs a lot of farm and there is always better options for mid.

      And if he is going to be played as "farming mid", it's simply stupid, since his lategame isn't that impressive and he falls off quickly against some "true" hard carry.

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        Well ck first main problem is he has no way to get farm fast. Second is He can't escape well. Though 1000 gold means more then a carry with 2000 gold that's just the hero he is. He good base health attack, armor and fast movement speed.


          " since his lategame isn't that impressive and he falls off quickly against some "true" hard carry."

          Confirmed for not knowing anything about CK. His only problem is farming effectively to 40 min. If you haven't beaten him by then then you have lost the game.

          A CK that knows that he is doing and with sufficient farm is a one man army. Eats voids and pas for breakfast with phantasm up


            wait what? ck cant be ganked easily at all relative to a lot of the heros currently in the meta. hes got a ton of base strength and decent base armor, with a bit of stats he really cant die, plus hes super fast. any mid hero in the current meta minus puck is probably as gankable as he is if not more.

            basically a guaranteed kill at level 6

            natural bottle carrier

            doesnt fall of at all

            pretty solid for pushing strats and stuff

            its really not bad at all but he has almost no comeback mechanic. i mean you can go desperation gank and stuff but if the enemy has any clue that you just died and cant go back to lane they'll back off. but if you're ahead its scary


              I think like anything in dota it's right play right heros. Biggest thing so far is the Reality Rift damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to

              60/80/100/120 helps with his early struggles and if you are able to get kill because you almost need kills more then last hits then that's

              a big upgrade. Most cases I don't get ult will 11 but getting it at 6 is funny if you get 3 of them flippin 42 seconds long dang ice frog.

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                My most recent CK game says this is true.


                Dire Wolf

                  I think the biggest issue is a good ranged mid can probably deny him and push him out of lane. Does CK go bottle in this case? Levels are good on him but he needs farm too.


                    I just watched Fate/Zero and the ending was bullshit


                      I want to play support CK. It looks like he can do a lot early with just Soul Ring. But I guess, my teammates will force me to farm no matter what role I want to play...


                        This is my build ck it's quite funny in this patch : I start off with 3 Iron Branch, 1 Tango, 2 Circlet(This may sound weird but because of the price drop +2 str +2 int +2 agi is good for those who need all three) Then After you 1 Bracer get Drum of Endurance and push with lvl 6 phantasms) Then anything after that is choice.


                          Sven is better mid than CK because he can push the creep wave out!



                            Normal skill game / i act like i didnt saw it rly

                            Linda | DotaExchange

                              To a guy who says he loses late game vs true hard carries.

                              You ever got one shoted by freaking illusion?


                                support ck is bad because all he has throughout the game is his stun. at low levels his stun is meh, id much rather have a hero like venge because of -armor, +dmg and swap as opposed to a stun thats much better at level 4 but no auras and only a reality rift

                                it might work at level 2 roaming with w and q and an orb of venom with his crazy ms but its really high risk low reward stuff


                                  i think rift can be really good for punishing bad positioning by the enemy, a little comparable to ember chains before the nerf
                                  but i dont have the balls to play that


                                    I can see support pudge carry chen but not support ck :)

                                    Never know how long stun is=a worst wk

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                                    Mighty Brow
