General Discussion

General DiscussionBug on top 100 Player Ranking

Bug on top 100 Player Ranking in General Discussion

    Hello i am on top 100 players with necro but recently every time i win a game with necro my score fall. From 5.480 i am now 5.448 with 4 wins consecutively, KDA was very good so i dont know why this happens ...


      You are playing in high bracket and you dont understand why youre dropping in ranked. you should not be there in anycase. jesus christ.


        Lol, are u serious ? Maybe watch careful and see that only 2-3 games with necro are on high bracket , the other 100 are on very high .


          You're missing the point becuase you're a noob. ( no offence )
          My first point is the reason why you dropped in rank = youre playing in high bracket = very low mmr = not 5-6k
          When youre playing in low mmr you have to get 20 0 otherwize its very ez to abuse... imagine if i had only been playing in high bracket then i cold play necro and get 100 0 and 10 kda.


            so in your opinion 4,7 k mmr is high bracket ? oooooook. maybe watch carefull and see that the high bracket games was with 3 friends that has lower mmr than mine .

            NextStep ®

              Just ignore Sir-58. He's just being stupid.
              Replying for the sake of it.

              You probably dropped 1 diamond div from 9 to 8 due to "high bracket" games with your lower mmr party stack.


                i was on 10/10 diamond last night,,,now i am 8/10


                  Jesus christ. Again you miss the point.
                  I love how the other guy says the exact same thing while saying im stupid. maybe add that guy. you seem like minded.
                  Secondly i'm not vavle i did not set those games to HIGH skill. it dosnt matter that you are 4.7 you can still get HIGH skill becuase you qued with others. please think use brain you will win more.

                  NextStep ®

                    ^You're the one missing the point. lol
                    Your 1st reply clearly stated that he shouldn't be in the top 100.
                    Simply because he played 2 high skill games??? Really?
                    Don't take drugs man. You are fucking high.

                    Based on my experience, you probably have to play another 10-20 VHS games to get back to D10.
                    Sadly, this system might discourage people to stack with lower mmr friends if they do care about the heroes ranking.

                    bum farto

                      Putting it simply.

                      Playing axe in 4800 solo will get me more score than playing axe with normal skill players and stomping. The system deems those games less difficult so compared to the others on the toplist you will drop. Its a reasonably fair system otherwise I could stack any hero with really bad players in normal and get to the top rating stomping 2K MMR people with any given hero.

                      bum farto

                        For example I could be top 100 and have sat at diamond 10/10 with axe but every time I play axe with a lower stack it drops me down in bracket and in score.


                          at least you're not diamond 3 and even less on almost all the heroes while being higher mmr than you and havoc. my sf/drow/mirana are crying

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          bum farto

                            not for long though I plan on spamming axe/cent offlane so ez wins incoming :) but yes most of my heroes are in diamond 7-8 or higher at least the ones i play frequently.

                            I think my tinker is diamond 4 though :)


                              and i don't even play them in lp or with low mmr stack or anything...

                              the realm's delight

                                rofl wtf mine were all 10/10 ..
                                idk for this acc no plus

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  omg its bug guys, i cant legit drop in ranking since im very good at this hero hello dotabuff u have bug in system why am i not top 50 bug system need rework fast dotabuff


                                    your necro so good.
                                    maybe you should try party with high mmr too like 4.5k>
                                    so you can get very high skill and get more hard enemy so you can up to diamond 10 again. (sorry if im wrong ^^)


                                      yeah I don't really know how division works, I used to have diamond 8~9 on most heroes and it dropped to 5, but I haven't been stacking with low level friends except for a couple of games here and then, shouldn't be enough to affect this so drastically


                                        sano u dont even play ranked are u stupid


                                          how does dotabuff get ur mmr


                                            ok i just realised or more like this comment above me just made me realise that people are stupid

                                            bum farto

                                              1. You can still go up or down in the rankings even if you do ranked/unranked.
                                              2. Dotabuff doesn't get your MMR and stats are unaffected by it unless you have a buddy.
                                              3. You can still be high on this list but low rating e.g. diamond 3 based on how you perform
                                              4. Sano, they played around with the rating system so it shifted people up and down the list.
                                              5. Being on the ratings or not on the ratings isn't that much of a big deal. It's nice but doesn't really mean that you are anything special or even good.

                                              bum farto

                                                You can take a closer read here


                                                  Why they even allow smurfs with only 200 games played on the leaderboards is beyond me.


                                                    why they take into account lp games to give me diamond 3 on avg is beyond me. fuck @jason


                                                      yeah but playing unranked stacked as 5 isn't that different from ranked solo... u gotta remember I play south america, even if I'm 5.5k I get matched with four 4.5k players, it's very rare to have more than 2 5k players on each team



                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          i have been called


                                                            the realm's delight