General Discussion

General DiscussionRadian advantages

Radian advantages in General Discussion

    dire camp have 3 entrance, radian camp only have two entrance if mid t1 hold
    dire suicide lane T1, you can go behind the tree without tower vision in night

    dire ancient is too far to farm compare to radian ancient, so you must stack it......

    So in order to win as dire side, you must pick aggressive heroes, squeeze radian vision, push radian mid T1 as fast as you can.

    Miku Plays

      Take note that theres no one size, fits all in dota2.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        Basically farming heroes will have lower chances to win lol
        If you want to farm, stay at radian side lol

        Miku Plays

          I dont think it works like that, i can farm anywhere given that my priority is farm.

          Bot Tyrone

            Ice frog made radiant better so that the good guys win :)

            Jay Ashborne

              Psychological imho. Light and dark portray lots of emotion. Vsnak is like the off reason you're more successful on dire.

              waku waku

                it's easier to stick people who try to check for runes on cliffs as radiant rubick

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  Nope if you would like to farm and farm you would definitely want yourself to be on dire. meh


                    I think that dire ancients are A LOT harder to stack now.

                    But the map change has balanced the sides a bit? No?


                      radiant is better everywhere but for the creep block of safelane and midlane, basically

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                        Dire has rosh advantage but Radiant has everything else advantage.


                          Radian stronk


                            Easier to farm as dire safe lane


                              ^ why is that Zenoth?


                                If your supports are dedicated to zoning the first few levels you can transition into pulling the big camp every second wave for bonus gpm


                                  as radiant you can pull the big camp on offlane, while dire offlane cant do that.
                                  i think you might even pull the big camp on mid, didnt try it, but seems possible.

                                  before lose streak i had a 18% diffrence in win to radiant. there is something about dire that keeps losing.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    radiant can pull mid camp IZI with wisp. And even worst, if you have troll + random spot (especially satyre) you can perma deny every single wave of creep middle.

                                    (not like wisp + carry was a common mid lane ^^)

                                    Edit: dire doesn't have roshan advantage, unless they still have both mid and bot t1

                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                    Miku Plays

                                      ^ your giving dire safelane carry more gold and exp unless you pull at the right time.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I can't figure out why but when I go dominator on fire I have a hard time stacking now. I think I am not running the creeps far enough away from the spawn or something but it's awful being dire now