General Discussion

General DiscussionOmni broken in pubs

Omni broken in pubs in General Discussion

    I swear this pick is so disgustingly strong when last picked because noone will opt for an aggressive tri at the last moment. Omni is one of those heroes your entire team has to play around but that sort of thing is hard to achieve in pubs.

    He isn't even hard to use; repel carry and press R. If he wasn't so boring I'd spam him to rise MMR.


      It's the opposite of why so many people have trouble playing against Sniper. He can easily harass people just by right-clicking them, scaring off the enemy carries from farming. It's amazing how different pubs and pro games are.

      Linda | DotaExchange

        countering hero with one item and tottaly making him useless isn't exactly disgustingly strong.

        But on pubs, 90% of people doesn't know about diffusal.


          You can't just build diffusal on some random hero… and you run out of charges compared to a 14 second cooldown.


            Or pick night stalker. 8 second silence that bitch!


              diffusal is indeed annoying
              but if you get linkens, linkens + repel means purge is blocked by linkens, protecting the repel and most repel piercing single target is high cost except for maybe aghs sd

              Linda | DotaExchange

                why not buying diffusal on almost any hero when playing vs omni?


                  "You can't just build diffusal on some random hero… and you run out of charges compared to a 14 second cooldown."

                  yes you god damn can.


                    You can't but ghost scepter on any hero vs. Juggernaut? Void? Fatass Legion Commander?

                    Of course you can buy Diffisual on any hero.


                      ^ this is why people stay at [insert trench bracket]

                      Mind Goblin

                        Why wouldn't you build the counter item to the hero that is obviously making your game hard. Build the items you need to win. i.e Diffisual any hero to remove GA and repel


                          I don't kno why but since he became the top of the win rate charts I have had less desire to play him, I must be hipster. If you use soul ring correctly and the enemy has no diffusal or purges the game is completey in your hands


                            Basically you guys are all agreeing to my "requires your whole team to play around" comment.

                            What am I supposed to do, build a Diffusal on my Invoker? Do you rush Ghost Scepter on your carry hero because the enemy has a Juggernaut? No, you can only get them later on in the game otherwise you're fucking useless anyway. A 3k semi-counter (all you do is dispel buffs from ANOTHER hero and their carry/mid unlike you would have proper items). If they see you building it and go BKB then you're fucked into the universe and beyond.

                            His ult affects his entire team as well, not just a single target. If he wasn't so boring to play, he'd probably be a top pick in pubs like Ogre. Except that Ogre is a lot more fun to play due to snowballing or 4x multis.

                            He's the kind of hero that doesn't do that well in the pro scene due to the meta but excels in pubs where you're seldomly going to see a team go all out to punish him.


                              Sliences, baiting the ult then backing out of teams fights, smoke ganks, spilt pushing, chain stunning him, mana drains etc

                              Hero counters: clinkz, skyw, disruptor, nyx ,sliencer, a void who makes sure he chronos him

                              The reason omni is so good is because people enter pubs with the mindset of "I'm going to play xxx" rather then picking what is needed or what counters the other team.


                                Diffusal blade Anti-Mage too stronk.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Again another Omniknight thread and again somebody talking about only his good sides. He has a shit ton bad sides as well to not be a top pick.


                                    @Sam, I full well know his downsides.

                                    Its just that his downsides require more than 1 person to work around. Noone can argue against that. And I explained why Diffusal hardly counts as a counter and it opens yourself up to being hard countered.

                                    You basically said the same thing last year when I made a thread about Spiritbreaker being strong. You kept repeating how all you needed was just wards and he was worthless. What happened? Theory doesn't always work, you don't just go "bait ulti, punish early, etc"

                                    By that logic an AM should always be 6 slotted by 35 minutes; "rush bfury, avoid fights, farm"


                                      Omni has long pirification casting time which makes him easy to stun lock or burst, hes also rather squishy since he should be supporting. The key vs omni is to always be agressive. Dont let the ennemy team get ready for a repel rush carry with omni in the back waiting to pop ult, pick him off with a smoke or orchid disable him


                                        Some dickhead picked omni right after I picked jug.

                                        So I got defusal kit first item at 10min and rektd his ass.

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                                          legendary sit in base with aghs+refresher strat


                                            Step 1: Click this link
                                            Step 2: Scroll down to Worst Versus
                                            Step 3: Pick one of these heroes vs Omniknight
                                            Step 4: Congratulations you have successfully counterpicked Omniknight, but at what cost?

                                            Razor is very good against Omniknight though, passively purges those who target him, drains your damage and wrecks your armour so that once guardian angel is over, your shit is getting raped.

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