General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't get anywhere past 1190 MMR

Can't get anywhere past 1190 MMR in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Almost everytime I strike over 1200 MMR, the game puts me in a match with obnoxious enemies that I can't stop.


      ayy lmao


        ikr, why are 1200 mmr players even playing pubs, they should be scrimming in preparation for TI5

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            I know a guy with +3000 wins with 970 mmr, he allways blame peruvians on EU servers


              can you even beat easy bots @ 1200 mmr

              Tiny Airlines


                Maybe going scythe of vise and mek wasn't the best idea on Silencer, but a bloodseeker with daedalus? Why...

                Anti Mage is starting to become a real pain in the ass to deal with nowadays. The XPM showed Radiant getting much more XP but by late game that all changed. PA got banned so we couldn't use her and they literally picked Anti Mage right after seeing Medusa.

                I won the next game with Wraith King since I was angry seeing a Juggernaut and Drow on their team and decided, fuck that shit, I'll play noob if they wanna play noob. Granted this likely means I'll lose the next ranked match because that's just how it goes with this shitty matchmaking system.

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                  blaming teammates is not the solution to improving your mmr. their item choices may be shit, they might have 0 clue on how to correctly skill their hero, but they're the same skill as you, so they must be better at you at something else.

                  if someone plays like shit and ends up being useless, you cannot control that, so don't try to. focus on controlling all the parts of the game that you can control i.e. your own gameplay.

                  no idea why you're playing captains mode at the skill you're at since everyone is a shitter so no one at your level has any idea how to draft. letting someone else control what hero you play is also one more factor you can't control, and if you want the best chance to win, you want every variable that can influence a win to be in your favour.

                  hex is fine as an item, but hex when you're at 250 GPM, god knows how many times you died and did not spend your gold because you couldn't quickbuy the secret shop components (assuming you even use quickbuy).


                    wow forced 50% kappa


                      also stop deluding yourself with this forced 50% shit, or that there's any resemblance of honour in a video game. who cares if a certain hero is for noobs. you're a noob yourself, you should be picking those heroes, not the harder ones that you can't play. if you want to raise MMR, you win more games than you lose. if you want to do that, pick heroes that win you more games.

                      if you're 1200 mmr and you pick a high skill hero like tinker or invoker, that doesn't make you good at the game. you're still a noob even though you don't pick juggernaut/viper/drow/whatever.

                      you lose your matches because your negative attitude causes you to. because you delude yourself into thinking you're forced to lose your next match after a win, that affects how you play, you probably play worse because you think "why bother if im going to lose anyway", at the same time you'll lose games you're supposed to win because you get complacent and think you're being handed a free win.

                      if you genuinely think there's something wrong with the matchmaking system, there's probably 10 other people on this forum who can refute your claim with logical reasoning, because shit players complaining about being shit is nothing new, we've heard all the excuses before.


                        Can you even have 1200 MMR? I thought you start around 2500.


                          yeah dude shits going wrong sometimes.... i was stuck at 1000 to 1200 for about 6 months and then i said like fUCK THIs mFshit imma play pubs.... then i finally was prepared to increase mmr and i went like straight from 1253 to 1800.... practice makes a man perfect dude

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Just focus on farming. Get 50+ cs at 10 mins, and 100+ at 20. That will give you 1000 mmr.

                            Carry TP and join fights when your presence will change theirs outcome. +1000 mmr

                            Abuse flaws of enemies lineup, last pick a hero that is not countered by them and/or counters multiple enemy heroes. ez 1000

                            You should be 4k soon if you do this.


                              anyone have any tips for me... i got calibrated at around 2800 mmr when i was a scrub and i dropped to 1600... now im 1800 and know for sure im a much better player than i was before, but it's hard to win games because literally everyone wants to pick carry and when i try to support they have 20 LH at 10 mins with pretty much uncontested farm or when i carry i end up losing because everyone else on my team is underleveld and farmed so they can't contribute much in team fight and we end up losing


                                im sure u dont play captains mode at 1200 mmr or something


                                  A friend I play with has 1800 solo, when you queue you get everything below 2k, they tend to be very unbalanced games. I've seen him win and get 13 points and then lose 38 points.

                                  Play an aggressive carry like Jug or Slark, or a mid like QoP, Storm, Viper, Ember.

                                  Do not play support until you are above 2k. Farm effectively, carry TP, only go to fights when you have to.

                                  no dice

                                    Gerry's advice is very solid.


                                      if ur in 1.2k mmr ur doing something wrong

                                      stop blaming ur teammates


                                        To get out of 1k mmr easiest thing out.

                                        Pick drow and go mid
                                        Build treads>mom>shadow blade>Daedalus
                                        Rat and rat carry 2tp and keep ratting and raxing
                                        Probably the easiest way to get kills since it does hughe damage and ez way to win cuz a massive dmg to towers.
                                        Drow is also much easier than natur and tb, naga to rat with and doesn't need that much farm to shut down their towers

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                                          If you are in the 1k that must means that you have difficulty understanding counterpick, target priority and proper game sense. Honestly i'm fucking terrible mechanically at Dota and I've lost to people who are 500 mmr below me in 1 vs 1. Somehow I'm always able to stay above 2k mmr (which is still trench tier but slightly above hell on earth) just by simply playing my best heroes.

                                          I used to think the 50% factor is real, and I still tell my friends about it even now whenever I lose. However, deep down I know it's not the case because I've seen the kinda of plays that higher mmr people make. There is no such thing as forced 50% factor. You can either get good and start carrying your teammates or you can flame the shit out of them.

                                          With that said, I really dont understand how bad you have to be to get calibrated to 1k. (And don't give me that teammate suck bullshit because that's the same excuse I've been using for 2 years) I've started over twice and both my calibration put me in 2k, which is arguably where I belong, but i suppose people in higher MMR wonder about the same thing.

                                          To people in 4k - 5k, 2k mmr player must seem like moron or something.


                                            Also for those who are looking to get out of 2k here's the definite/best guide to do so:

                                            I'd follow it if I didn't hate playing support so much.


                                              itt: retards getting trolled by a retard

                                              Miku Plays

                                                1190 .. i would like to try that mmr


                                                  How did you manage to get below 2k mmr?


                                                    Well at an mmr of 1190 its important to know what your strengths are in this game and what your weaknesses are, like my biggest weakness is my reaction, connection issues and lack of creativity

                                                    You should find yourself 5-10 heros that you learn, that you think is fun to play and contribute to your team with. and keep expanding the list the longer you keep playing the game. have atleast 3 to 5 support heros on that list.

                                                    Dont pick your hero instantly learn to see whats needed and pick whats needed

                                                    one thing i learned quickly was in solo que, dont say anything unless its usefull towards your team and if you got nothing nice to say, dont say it.

                                                    Try to keep the team spirit up by comenting on good plays when you see them and

                                                    it takes time to evolve as a player i noticed this myself i started playing some months ago,.

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                                                      So far, game you're talking about, this IS what I see:

                                                      1 HOUR GAME

                                                      HERO DMG: YOU: 8.3K
                                                      HERO DMG BS WITH DAEDALUS: 19K
                                                      GPM AND CS YOU: 113 CS 249 GPM
                                                      GPM AND CS BS: 189 CS 357 GPM

                                                      What I see from this?

                                                      Lowest IMPACT overall in your team is YOUR Silencer.

                                                      And still, you find okay to blame BloodSeeker, even if he has like 3x more impact in every aspect then you?

                                                      Let me tell you, he did MORE with his build then you did with your Silencer.

                                                      Yes, as they already said, they suck aswell compared to and decent Dota player, however, thinking that you're any kind of special Snowflake in your MMR is retarded, and delusional.

                                                      You got over 1000 games in this game and you're not able to have at least 2,000 MMR.

                                                      Get over yourself, it's you. Any decent Dota player with even 2.5k MMR would be able to win most of the games in that bracket with almost every hero except for some high skill cap ones.


                                                        I consider people who have a mmr of <2k after 1000+games to be mentally disabled. You lack the ability to improve.

                                                        I didn't know 2k mmr existed.


                                                          stop flamin this guy.. he needs help on doto but he may improve if he stop blaming team and figure out how to improve HIS gameplay


                                                            1, create new account
                                                            2, pick zeus
                                                            3, go mid
                                                            4, cast ultimate
                                                            if you're not as stupid as you describe ,maybe you will reach 2k

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Easiest way is to learn to farm better. Your last luna game had < 3.5 cs/min in a win. That's not good. Watch some videos on farm rotations, always be pushing a lane as far as safely possible then rotate through jungle into another lane. Always be actively doing something. Pick a couple easy to farm with heroes to lean. Luna's fine, troll is good, drow is ok but harder to play otherwise. Stay away from void, AM, PA as they need to last hit well in lane to get items to enable farm.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                At that level you should focus on improving your gameplay, not a stupid number.



                                                                  Im 5500 rating now
                                                                  Every game since saturday I get matched with 4ks.

                                                                  Before saturday all games was 5,5k+
                                                                  Is it really that few 5,5k+ players that I cant play wit hbalblabal?

                                                                  and I somehow got muted for tacticals pauses
                                                                  I'm tilting cause I can't talk to my 4k team mates, telling them wat to do


                                                                  wat to do?

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                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    ^believe? weren't you the believer boy? XD

                                                                    swap commends

                                                                      if you have 70 last hits in over 40 minutes,

                                                                      you totally deserve that mmr.

                                                                      Tiny Airlines

                                                                        Lemonerd I killed 12 people. So most of my gold came from killing enemies.


                                                                          give up on 2-3 beers a week and shoot me a friend request
                                                                          you'll be 4000 in no time


                                                                            u cant believe if you cant talk man :happytears:

                                                                            swap commends

                                                                              you killed 12 people, you also died 8. thats not an achievement


                                                                                yeah just whatever sam said above

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Which is fine if you win, to be constantly fighting and have a lot of hero dmg and kills, but your gpm still quite low for a win. 400 in a one sided loss is average to kinda good, 400 gpm in a win is pretty bad for a carry. My guess is that between your kills you did a lot of running around without farming, probably a lot of wasted pathing.


                                                                                    lol, mmr starts at 800 zahahahah... .. btw dont cry dude, me is 1.1k too, just play unranked and have fun jawhawha


                                                                                      ^ hahahaha pub scrubs 4ever


                                                                                        i will watch your replays and tell you what you're doing wrong if you please PLEASE stop making shitty complaint threads like this


                                                                                          Please watch my replays ASWELL


                                                                                            Watch my replays too, apparently ive no replay available, guess ill just ply a game zawdads

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                                                                                              @MUTED INGAME, scrub is love scrub is life, i am scrub zahahah

                                                                                              I'm prob high

                                                                                                I got calibrated both party and solo at around 1200~ few months ago i'm now 2k with both but it is a hard climb because even if you do well one of your lanes tends too feed and even when you're going too win the game 1 or two people might go push solo too the enemies tier 3s and end up dying which just gives the enemy all it needs to push racks and win the game, it is extremely difficult sometimes when nobody even listens or has any sort of knowledge of when too get back instead of just staying and dying but i like too go mid or carry and it works out pretty well unless the above happens


                                                                                                  keep playing meepo


                                                                                                    but stop getting hearts, get skadis instead

                                                                                                    I'm prob high

                                                                                                      but yea i keep getting potatoes on my team life is hard


                                                                                                        yeah, but ur also against enemies who are potatos. the only reason you'd have 50% if your 4 teammates are potatos but your 5 opponents are potatos, are if you are a potato yourself.

                                                                                                        dont be a potato, be a tomato