General Discussion

General Discussionsven with aghs

sven with aghs in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Has anyone done this yet? Looks like a very rarely built item clocking in behind shadowblade even. I just wonder what sort of team you would need cus a core sven without many other carries it would be wasted. Maybe if you offlane sven with a support with a strong right clicker mid like a TA and a strong safe lane like a void?


      Someone in my game insisted on getting blink aghs and playing more of a support sven.

      Shit was straight up legit. Extremely fucking good actually.

      He used it like a trollwarlord ulti, and the team cleaned raxes extremely quickly with heroes not very right click powerful. I was necro.
      Also made slark hit like a fucking truck.

      Edit: note that game had a silencer on the other team that went full emo and fed our team kills, so i'm not saying it is competitively viable necesarily, just saying the way he used it was intelligent.

      I think the aghs was made by icefrog so sven could be played as support as well as carry, which goes a long way to making a hero comp viable in pro scene.

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      Dire Wolf

        It doesn't seem very good given that lineup. Helps slark a lot but necro isn't really a right clicker and then techies and wd. I think I'd want two right clickers + sven to do it.


          my point is it made the shitty right click of necro able to quickly take out towers, so pair it with a hero that actually right clicks well and it could be great.

          Like a lina/sven/pa/ lane or something.

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            sven + meepo + troll

            meepo with agi oriented items over utility breaks t3+raxes through backdoor in 12 seconds

            now imagine sven aghs ulti + troll ulti

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              sven aghs with a 6 slotted tiny was pretty legit, won us a game pretty convincingly once...


                Double-damage meepo > double-damage anything.
                If you use aghs god's strength around meepo, which has Blink, BoT, 2x ethereals, aghs, skadi , It will be like giving almost any other hero 4 rapiers or so. Well, no need to be 6slotted actually.


                  I think what people don't realize is that sven's aghs grants bonus damage to ALLIES. This includes mega creeps. I had one pretty legit game with sven aghs and a tiny. Man that's scary. I wouldn't want to go against that.


                    so... would aghs sven go well in a zoo team then? like book furion or lycan... though sven and lycan sounds like shitty lanes. Not that I would know, I'm a scrub lord.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Oh shit I thought it was just heroes. Would work great with a furion or lycan. Lycan with wolves and necro 3, pop howl and sven ult, gg.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          I was thinking offlane sven with another decent support so we can harass the enemy carry, then go drums, vlads, bkb if needed, aghs. Sven + veno, lion, ogre, jakiro, anything with a slow or good stuns really can prob score kills.

                          It would be really fun to build a team around an aghs sven in a 5 man group.

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                            I was messing around in lobby and I can say that lane creeps don't get the bonus, not sure about summoned ones, though.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Looks fun but it should be noted it's base dmg so daedulus, mkb, etc do not get the bonus. Sniper may have wanted to go agi items instead like manta, skadi, butterfly.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                that game was 10 months ago...
                                when did sven aghs come out?


                                  whenever I see someone mention it I try to remember how good/bad it is but all I know is that I barely see him and when I do, the aghs pickup is as frequent as the probabilty of seeing a thoughful reply in this thread



                                    I play sven as support occasionally to counter enemy teams that are to heavy on phsyical dmg (like wind CK venge bristle bara or something). basically u max stun and warcry by lvl 8, dont take any points in great cleave and skill your ulti at 9 11 and 16.
                                    U get talon, treads, dagger and vlads. Never made it further but after that an aghs scepter might be good regardless of your team composition.

                                    To build a team around it it is probably not strong enough. but generally u want to have heros that already use their autoattack without nessecarily being carrys. generally supports with long range autoattacks and heros with good basedmg benefit the most.
                                    So a lineup could be
                                    Sven Wind Bristle AA silencer
                                    Aghs probably not worse then getting a comparable stats and priced Sange and Yasha
                                    You yourself however will not reach the kinda 'sven 2 hit everything kill god' you would be with a more conventional build
                                    (HotD, treads, dagger, echosabre, BKB, AC, satanic, MKB/dead, moonshard, HoT) or whatever the kids do these days.

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