General Discussion

General Discussion Chronosphere manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/225/300

Chronosphere manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/225/300 in General Discussion

    Daaamn... that is a pretty big nerf....

    What changes now?


      void skill buid xxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrr ezy nerf dodge
      ezy katka
      ezy qojqva
      ezy life


        i feel like level 2 ulti is still viable. level 3 seems like a liability.


          big nerf? how lol, the only thing it stops him from doing is going refresher without aghs. most games are over before the game gets to this stage anyway


            ^because what you gain is borderline useless compare to the extra mana cost.

            level 3 is .5 second extra duration and 5 second lower cooldown... for 75 mana (300 mana total).

            It really isn't worth it to risk not having mana to cast for those awful bonuses. You need to consider haivng mana for 2 time walks, a chrono and popping mask of madness (maybe bkb or mjolnir). It adds up for a hero that doesn't want to be building int.

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            THICC BABY SHUM

              are u srs lel
              at lvl 2 or 3 ult u might now not have enough mana to cast it playing vs mana burn heroes. getting closer to wraight king.


                just get stats instead of leveling ulti, thats what I do and it works fine for refresher. Level 1 ulti unchanged. Level 2 barely.