General Discussion

General DiscussionKey to successfully predicting wins

Key to successfully predicting wins in General Discussion

    This is for US west English solo ranked queing...

    So I just avoided losing my win streak predicting by adhering to a new rule of mine..... At the start of the game, if someone types "me mid" or "I mid"

    don't predict

    If they have a really weird looking name with *'s and weird ]|[ kind of symbols, with an anime avatar, don't predict a win

    if your whole team has said names and pictures, don't predict a win.

    At the start of the game, ask "does anyone here speak english?" Those that do, will typically respond and be just as excited as you are to potentially have a grief free game. Maybe, just maybe, you should think of predicting this as a win... but not if the other 3 team mates have said jaja anime avatar and name.

    This = huge prediction streaks.


      The only time I run into non english speakers on USW is Chinese very late at night.


        I have anime avatar does that mean you don't predict win with me :(


          I like to say: hola.

          That way they start flaming so i bring the popcorn.

          I always predict win, i aint no p***y. Think i got up to 9 wins in a row or something.


            Maybe you are a lot higher mmr than I am, but in the mid 3k's you run into a looooooooooooooooooot of peruvians. I'm told it's even worse on US east lol.


              Did it once some time ago. Didn't prevent my team full of americans who spoke fluid english from playing like scheiße. Method sucks.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                names dont mean shit, it could be w33 smurf, the only thing you can look at to see if you have good shot at winning is the picks. someone who dsnt speak English can carry ur ass.


                  i get mongol oids on euw, like fucking really 4 games this week and they usually speak on mic like CHO JUSNG HSUDASI JU SHU KDSAHDDUS SJIHJK

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    thats me, wtf, dont u remember we q together???


                      im at 13 so far, which is my first attempt at a long streak. before this i was 4 streak (just voting every game). all i do is play meepo and only vote if i like the lineup.


                        Can you even imagine one's despair, when someone has a pony for an avatar?

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          what the hell anime makes you good at dota


                            how about predicting a win when the retard offlaner gets caught camping for a bounty rune pre 0:00


                              Nah, Japanese cartoons make u suck at everything.


                                anime avater wew


                                  good prediction is when u look at ur team and u see well structured picks that are easy to execute and has big advantage in all stages of the game against enemy team

                                  u should never predict win if u got super hardcarries in mid

                                  or lousy offlane heroes cuz thats where majority of lost games comes from

                                  picks usualy decide win/lose by 50% 40% by player skills and 10% is random factor


                                    Never predict against a stack of people with chinese names, u will lose


                                      ppls with chinese usualy noobs wannabes atleast in europe servers

                                      and they usualy the biggest feeders around