General Discussion

General DiscussionAbaddon + Vlads + MoM

Abaddon + Vlads + MoM in General Discussion

    Have played a few games of Abaddon and generally getting Mek+Vlads to get started. Don't really know what to buy after Mek+Vlads to be honest as it seems to be GG by then most of the time.

    I've been getting Blade Mail and Aghs and then whatever.

    I'd really like to get a MoM instead though due to the synergy with Borrowed Time.

    My instinct is that getting two lifesteal items (even if they stack fully) is a bit retarded but I can't put my finger on why seeing as I feel pretty item independent and won't be getting six-slotted like a farming carry.

    I guess an Armlet would be a good alternative but my question is: is it dumb to buy Vlads+MoM on LoA in the situations where you want more DPS rather than survivability?


      You're in normal skill, stuipd crap like that can happen. MoM, yes if you're going carry, Vlads if you're going support.

      Armlet is good, but Vlads+MoM is retarded. If you want more DPS, get a Mjlonir. works wonders with him.


        Aura items serve best for Abaddon due to his endurability. Probably optimal build is vlads (if you got melee carry) + meka + pipe (if enemy team has a lot of magical dmg) + AC (if enemy team has a lof of physical dmg). Aghs doesn't seem good on him (the 30% reduce dmg effect is only 4/5/6 seconds, not worth the price).


          AgS + Refresher + Radiance


            fyi aghs increases the duration from 4/5/6 to 5/6/7 and redirects 35% not 30% but I get your point.


              @awakened why do you choose to go phase on him when you have more of a support build? why not arcanes?


                Because he needs to be fast to come to help his wounded teammates. He's also a good chaser with curse of avernus. Movement speed is never wasted.

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  I usually offlane with him starting with 2 rings of prot + tangos -> bas + tranqs -> urn.

                  I've personally found these 3 items to be core on abba. *shrugs*

                  of course there are variable pick ups for different situations, magic stick, oov etc.

                  After which you go one of these 3 items:

                  1. Vlads. If your team has 1-2 melee cores and you're doing "ok".

                  2. Radiance if you've been winning a crapton of fights, not dying and you want to push the advantage. I usually go hearts right after this in this scenario.

                  3. Blademail, if fights are drawn out and long and enemies have some form of burst they can utilise to remove you from fights early or enemy has huge AOE nukes i.e qop and you want to punish by hitting blademail and ult. (prevents you from ever getting focused first)

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    I make phase, drums,AC as offlane with situational vlads or MoM