General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat position should Techies be played as?

What position should Techies be played as? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    I like him as offlaner, but not entierly sure if he is not better as a pos. 4. Ideas?


      i do offlane too





          2 1 2 or offlane is good


            He is non-hero so not position for him at all just a garbage crep with some mines which are useless when you buy item for 900 gold.

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                i still havent won with a melee hero against techies offlane. I only get draws and that means a win for techies :(


                  Lycan wrecks techies for sure if you use wolves to your advantage :) Also, Lycan's high armor with vlads + medallion if you choose to go that way should in theory reduce techies damage by quite a bit since bombs and suicide is physical.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    I pick tony, if he on enemy i cambo him he is dead, my team are retards, i toss them at techies, techies on my team i toss enemy at techies as he putting down mines or toss techies to kill someone.