General Discussion

General DiscussionForcestaff + madness on SF = win

Forcestaff + madness on SF = win in General Discussion

    Ez win with forcestuff guys, amazing stuff.



      So this is for people which ask good build for sf.

      There's no good build for SF, it all depends on game.

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          now is when someone say "just High Skill Bracket"


            Nice high skill bracket dude :D


              The gods have spoken!


                xD xD dxD


                  I wish we could have seperate forums: normal, high, very high. I'm too scared to make posts in case I get bullied by very high meanie heads


                    who gives a fuck about being "bullied" dude.
                    and btw "very high" starts at like 3670 mmr so any retard can have "very high skill"


                      I was just playing along with the posts above. Sorry x


                        wow man ur sf is really amazing


                          you suck


                            We say no, Nice sf stats. :-)

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              ks with eblade report feeder.


                                Sure :D


                                  The last games are nice, best than yours.
                                  And now you are going to post my intentional feed game and say "sure" but i did a 22-2-x in a very high skill match, and you, you can't do it

                                  Sup m8

                                    I think I have a boner after looking at your sf.


                                      I just feel so sad when I see this x6.

                                      Guy is tryin' so hard to belive he's good player.

                                      Let him belive..


                                        I just make posts for show how noob i'm and for try to improve. I don't make post for show how good i'm with sf that i can even do a force staff and win, im gona show you a dotabuff screenshot of my sf on very high skill, you can beliebe it or not.


                                          VH skill, so?

                                          I had like at least 150 games as SF in last 4 months in VHS bracket.

                                          Does it make you better player?


                                          Its not mmr that makes good player good, it's the number of games you have at that mmr.

                                          You can have 5k mmr and still be thrash 2k player in reality.

                                          Why is that? Because people that played 5k raiting games have at least 500-600 games in that or close to that bracket, so it means they'll have more impact then you.

                                          No need to prove you anything, but at this moment i'm 3.4k and i'm having hard-time climbing to my real raiying that's around 3.7-3.8k, but I will eventualy DO IT.

                                          You, in the other hand, can be at some point even 4k, but that doesnt make you 4k player.

                                          Same goes for me, ofc. I managed to get 4k on this acc, however, I'm unable to stay at 4k and I'm most of the time around 3.6-3.7k, bouncing between vh and high skill bracket.

                                          I started to hate you because you're tryin to prove me something, and you just can't, since you're, in my opinion, still an normal-skill player.

                                          Nothing wrong about that, just sayin.

                                          You should respect mmr you have, and not tryin' to fake MMR you at some point had.

                                          I accepted my mmr and I'm aware I'm not the best SF or best player, but I didn't make this tread just to showoff how good I am.

                                          Afterall, I AM decent shadow fiedn player, and there's lately a lot of posts about topic:

                                          What's the best build for SF.

                                          I just wanted to show it all depends on situation.

                                          If you want to improve, that's okay, but don't act like a dick and like a retarded person.

                                          It's not about me. Ask people aroudn here, what they thing about you?

                                          I started to hate you when you started to lie, that's all.


                                            i am very high ,you are a scrub "only high " dude
                                            and this is how good you are

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                                              y u mad brah

                                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.


                                                  What a stupid and brain dead people we have here.

                                                  So sad.

                                                  I think I'll just stop to post here, since no-one doesn't give a fuck about this Forum anyways.

                                                  I never said I deserve higher mmr then I have, it's just your paranoic brain that belives so.

                                                  I never said 5k players have the same skill as 2k players, you just missed couple of school classes so I guess you didn't learn to read corectly.

                                                  Arguing with retards is poitless. Even if you win, it doesnt matter.

                                                  So I'll just let you think you're right because this is what gives you much needed ego.

                                                  I guess you got some real life problems so you neeed to do this.

                                                  I won't bother answering ot other posts, since people are here only to troll.

                                                  So, bye. And suck my dick. : )




                                                      "since you're, in my opinion, still an normal-skill player."
                                                      Yeah, you can look my replay as i did with you, or you can just say this because looking estadísticas you can see how bad I am.


                                                        Bye... Haff phun with yor amuzing sf.


                                                          Nothing to look. I'd just see an thrash-wanna be Dendi player living in his little world where' he's 5k.

                                                          At least I don't make smurfs - once per day just to despertly try to climb up a little.

                                                          Fucking scrub.

                                                          Let's play 1v1 SF, show me your amazing skills.


                                                            Highest GPM 790 in normal skill bracket as SF.

                                                            Yeah, you're trully an amazing SF player.

                                                            This is what happens when an decent Shadow Fiend player plays in your thrash normal skill bracket:


                                                            So yeah, let's play 1v1 fucking scrub.

                                                            Not to mention your amazing kda and winrate as sf.

                                                            You're best sf eu. My bad.

                                                            How the fuck you can be so delusional?

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              trash normal skill
                                                              HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE SO STUPID BECAUSE IM VERY HIGH SKILL ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                                                              HAVE PHUN ON YOUR HIGH SKILL SHIT


                                                                believe me or not here it goes

                                                                3-4 games are on normal, 1 on high, rest on very high.


                                                                  You acually really beleve you're better sf then me? :-D

                                                                  I really cant belive this.

                                                                  Why don't you show us that acc, so we can see your amazing skill~shoots.

                                                                  Btw, plz, don't be mad. :-D

                                                                  Yes, I'm 3.4k atm with over 1300 games.

                                                                  Not sayin its an archivment, but at least I'm legit 3.4k mmr player.

                                                                  You? You're scrub~smurferino x6 bitcin about his precious vhs acc after 100th atempt.

                                                                  At least show people you have it. Prove it

                                                                  I Have hard evidence for everything I'm talking about. You? Do you have it?


                                                                    I don't need to prove, and this is my 4 atempt, the first was 2.7, second still with lvl 10, third 3.6 and reached 3.9 (then i left doto again like 1 or 2 months and 3.2(wooooo so far from you, your sf is much more better bcz u are 200 mmr up)), 4th attempt 3.8 reached 4k so easy(i'm not playing ranked since i got 4030)

                                                                    And i dont have 1300 games i think im like 900(?) idk


                                                                      ok no holly fuck im 1400 games or so ç
                                                                      first acc like 300
                                                                      2nd like 300
                                                                      3rd like 700
                                                                      4th 240

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        this is my hidden account all games are solo ranked 7k+!!! i'm the best sf


                                                                          ^mikasa is good


                                                                            My sf is better.

                                                                            Let's play 1v1 if you think otherwise.

                                                                            Meepo Lord

                                                                              ^ sub 50% wr sf ftw????
                                                                              Play more games and be back after u reach my winrate(same mmr 4k, same games 50)(even played as support sf). I try 1v1 solo mid sf. And player is a crap. Even playing with 4k like u.


                                                                                y are all u guys getting so mad. we all suck, stfu


                                                                                  ok, add me @shared


                                                                                    hey boy, waga is teaching how to sf ,
                                                                                    if u are lucky ,you will understand how shit you are


                                                                                      ^i beated wagamama ta yesterday
                                                                                      with sf

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM
                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          ^it was a joke, if waga go mid aganist me... i can't imagine my feed
                                                                                          Yo bro, stop posting that ufking game and look it for once! i just run into the towers and die 19 times, i killed 1 for dont get the intentional feed report, then abandoned.
                                                                                          I think i have another games with sf feeding intentionaly, you can laugh more if u search it.
                                                                                 have fuuun!
                                                                                 You can laugh with it because they really fucked me without IF.

                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                            I seen too many int feeding games and unlease u have above 50 deaths its not funny


                                                                                              If you are good in beating people mid 1v1 but suck at everything else once that phase of the game ends, it's all for naught.


                                                                                                I don't pretend be funny, i just pretend fuck my team for some reason.

                                                                                                Tupla tai Kuitti?

                                                                                                  Can you like already go and play that 1v1 and post the results here... instead of arguing who's the better one...


                                                                                                    X6, I added you, however, seems like you don't log in into your acc

                                                                                                    Currently Offline
                                                                                                    Last Online: 43 hrs, 1 mins ago

                                                                                                    So if you see it, acceptd it.

                                                                                                    Lets play.


                                                                                                      today im working hard, mb play tomorrow
                                                                                                      btw im going to add u


                                                                                                        Just to let you know guys, X6 and I just played 1vs1 Shadow Fiend match.

                                                                                                        To be honest, X6 is a decent person, a nice guy.

                                                                                                        I have nothing against him and I don't want to have a fight with him or anyone else.

                                                                                                        So at the end of the day, it's best for all of us to have respect for each other.

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