General Discussion

General DiscussionStrange Juggernaut build, level Blade Dance over Blade Fury?

Strange Juggernaut build, level Blade Dance over Blade Fury? in General Discussion

    I've played a few games now and have seen Juggernaut players going with two into Blade Fury and maxing Blade dance. While building a skull basher and maelstrom.

    I've seen it a few times in my team(and lost).

    Is this really a viable build, and if so why?


      They're building as a right click carry
      It can be a viable build, but I prefer stats.

      EDIT: if you meant maxing blade dance, I don't suggest it

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        you never need more than one point in spin


        unless you're going support jug....

        swift beaver

          lol, or you skill q and play early gamer jugger, play aggressive and kill those failure makin tards...
          i prefer rushing aghanims, but sometimes i play against decent enemy's and wished i had gone for auto attack.


            People are building it so wrong, as a result win rate is going down for him. Jugg is extremely strong early game, but he's not really comparable to other hard carries late game. I have been experimenting new builds and I know maxing crit/stats is totally wrong.

            The traditional way is your way to go. Lane with a strong slower/disable and max blade fury so that you have huge advantage early game and snow ball mid game.


              ya it is. with the lower bat the differential dps that fury offers is really low so its not worth maxing most of the time unless the enemy team consists of too much control + summons that you are not confident of having the opportunity to right click/omni



                half the point of the 1/1/1 stats build is to go jungle and take early rosh....

                the build isn't wrong, people just don't play the hero correctly when doing it and try to use spin for damage and shit like that.

                and not for nothing, if you only pick meepo and abaddon... maybe you should try it correctly first before knocking it...


                both times you tried it you maxed crit and didn't do any points in stats... your suppose to not go past 1/1/1 until you are ready to rosh, then you can get a second point in ward if you need it. Then you do stats till level 11 and then you can do points in crit/ward at your discretion. Also, your items were wrong. You NEVER get aghs when you are doing stats build. You get SY or MoM or shadowblade or diffusal or basher etc...

                I mean you are obviously a better dota player with your mains than me, but what you did with juggernaut was just all wrong.

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                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                  you dont have to go strictly 1-1-1, 1-2-1 is pretty good as well however the 3/4 ranks of ward depends on how much u need the overheal


                    yea like i said i usually hold for point 2 until i want to rosh.


                      I've been playing Blade Dance > Ward > Fury. I only get fury when I need magic immunity, so I get it later (around level 9/10) and I only leave it at level 1. The ward I also usually just leave at level 1. The blade dance I will max as soon as possible (your dps is actually better. I used an excel file to test this). Your goal when you do this is to simply farm and create space for the team while split pushing. Your solo pick off potential is also really good.

                      In lane, I may go 2-1-2. I like building soul ring as it allows me to stay in lane indefinitely and helps with mana issues that come from not taking stats.

                      Watch matrice's replays. They're pretty good.

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                      Dire Wolf

                        It works trust me. This jug wrecked us.


                        All crit, then stats. Not sure if you really need to max crit but he did. Went mask of madness, maelstrom, manta, skadi. We could not fucking kill him and with those stats his illusions hit like a truck.


                          the dps vs crit and stats early is barely noticeable, but you get tons of extra EHP from stats.

                          Maybe he was lucky with crits, but your team probably didn't punish him.


                            +1 to Awakened.

                            bum farto

                              "but he's not really comparable to other hard carries late game."
                              "I have been experimenting new builds and I know maxing crit/stats is totally wrong."

                              The most kek I have ever read in a single post. Jugger, Brew, and troll are currently top ban material.

                              .....but then again this is coming from a 48% winrate 2KDA juggernaut who's played the heroes 3 times in under 3 months and lost all games.


                                "but he's not really comparable to other hard carries late game."

                                are you kidding me, he is a hard carry and has the lowest passive BAT 1.4. Most guides mention jug as a semi-carry but he really can hard carry now after recent buffs/

                                the realm's delight

                                  wow so strange build

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Yet I still get flamed for not maxing bladefury first or at all. People need to get educated on dota.