General Discussion

General Discussionwow you have to check out this sb build

wow you have to check out this sb build in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Holy shit I thought this guy was just bad one match, going dagon 5 on sb vs a ogre and zeus team but look at his matches! The most perplexing part to me is he flamed us the whole game saying how we were losing this for not following up his ganks, yet he has lost 5 fucking matches in a row using the exact same build... HMMMMMMMMM what do you think is the fucking constant here?

    Looks like in general all his sb builds stink, always tranquils, always aghs lol. Sometimes you just gotta laugh a little or you'll go crazy trying to win matches with fools like these.


      He broke your spirit.


        new meta.. gonna try dis

        Dire Wolf

          He completely broke my spirit. He was so fucking anal about ganking early i kept trying to kill a dazzle/axe offlane instead of just farming. Game was very winnable if I just ignored the scrub but we chased dazzle and axe to their tower so many times I had like 10 cs 5 mins in.

          Sup m8

            Sometimes it's fun to just look at people and have fun laughing at their stupidity.


              it doesnt matter what hero in what role u play in dota

              doesnt matter what items u buy as long as u can play majority of shit works


                Isn't there a point when people realize something isn't/shouldn't work? Or at least a quitting point..


                  Everything is viable

                  Dire Wolf

                    The guy is 2-7 (looks like he played some matches after ours) spamming sb going dagon and tranquils. Obviously it's not viable for him. And the games won there was a clear carry who dominated farm that game.

                    3k Pog Champ

                      Urn Shadowblade Dagon5 on SB is actually very legit if the person is not a mouth breather