General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh skill and very high skill in dotabuff confusion

High skill and very high skill in dotabuff confusion in General Discussion

    Hello, well before anything i know the difference between the each skill level normal = 3100 and lower , high = 3200 to 3800 , very high = 3800 and higher MMRS , but what i really dont understand is why this guy that i played against ( has a higher skill rating then me, though he has 41% winrate with a page full of loses and yet he is queuing up with very high skill players ( , I on the other hand have like 60% winrate ( and i try my best every game and yet i'm in normal-high skill level , like wtf am i missing here, can someone explain this shit to me.

    Ова тема је измењена
    the realm's delight

      high skill is actually higher than vhs
      dotabuff plot twist


        he is better than you


          first world problems


            more lucky not better, this mmr stuff is nothing more but just luck (if you have more), cuz it depends alot what team you will get, you can go 20/0 and still lose if someone is completly retarded or afk, simple.


              Only normal skill players say stuff like that.


                No if you are better, you get better hidden mmr and it dont cares about your role, you can play support and still playing on very high skill.

                Harry hamburgerryg

                  But its true. And even in vhs you can end up having people in normal skill on ur team, some of my last matches i had 3 people with games in normal skill, the other team only had vhs players. Also when playing together with a friend, with my party mmr of 3400 and his on 3700+ we ended up in a game against two other people on the other team with 4,5k rating. While not a single person on our team had over 3800. This game is fucking retarded. The matchups are so fucking unbalanced, that i just want to smack my head thru my monitor. And the report system omfg, there are people feeding or throwing on intention all the fucking time, and whats beeing done, NOTHING. You get punished more for writing idiot to someone that is actually throwing the game on purpose. So glad i stopped playing this fucktard shit game.


                    Stopped playing yet still check and post in game forums ... makes sense.

                    Harry hamburgerryg

                      Well, because i stopped playing doesnt mean i can't check and comment forums when i'm bored..


                        i'm extremely curious about you saying "he is better then me" , when he has like 41% winrate, explain please.


                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Winrate is irrelevant for determining skill.

                            What it DOES determine is if you are better/worse than your competition. If you are 50% (recent! ie: last month/6months) then you are placed properly and of equal skill to your opponents on average.

                            If you are >50% (last month or last 6 months) then you are NOT placed properly, and are BETTER than your competition.

                            Likewise, if you are <50% you are not placed properly and are worse than your competition.

                            I can make a smurf, and use my magic hacks and lock myself into 1k mmr. I'll be ~100% WR, that doesn't make me better than Dendi. Likewise, a pro could have a bad week and be 45% wr or something, that doesn't make him worse than me, he is playing harder people.

                            Also you should entertain the thought that maybe he is doing some sort of challenge to smurf to V.High and then go back down to normal, hence his name "road to 1k"

                            Winning your games doesn't mean anything if you only do as well as any normal skill player would.

                            Once your uncertainty locks in though, it's hard to move around. For example, I win 70% of my ranked games recently, but I'm still trapped at 4k mmr trashland.

                            In your case, you're moving up, as you're 60% WR. You'll get to high eventually, depending how deep in normal you are.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              Advancing to v.high skill bracket takes a long way I think. I won my last 26 out of 28 games & still recently just got to high skill in unranked^^" (my ranked is 4k+, so I'm much better than teammates+opponents).


                                x6 explanation, x6 has a bad day because he played 2 games of counter strike 2-14 and 4-16 and x6 just want to chill on League of Legends for a while