General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to start off as batrider

How to start off as batrider in General Discussion

    Im just going to use this game as an example of what I felt I struggled with and maybe get some help on it -

    At the start of the game as bat do you go straight to jungle at level 1 and sack the offlane/give it to someone else in your team?
    I went top with Visage and i couldnt get any CS in lane (mainly due to not being used to how low his damage is), but i felt too fragile to go into the jungle to farm with firefly.
    I do watch professional Dota but I think I see them in the offlane until level 2, and then jungle after that, completely sacking the offlane, which i dont think is possible to get away with in the 2K bracket.

    Any early-game advice for bat (which camps to farm first/when to sack offlane) is greatly appreciated, I feel as though I caught up fairly decently, and that we mainly lost this through being outdrafted more than anything


      bumperino for advicerino


        i wanna help, but i don't have idea


        Dune, the Desert Planet

          You should be solo on the offlane.
          At level 3 if it's a weak lane (only one support), do a 2-0-1 skill build. If it's a hard lane do 1-0-2. Place ward so you can monitor the pull camp and go there with firefly to take gold and xp once they pull. At level 2 you can kill people, just stack them at least 3 times. ALWAYS get Boots, Tango, Branch as starting item. At level 6, scout for kill, in the river lasso the enemy on ward spot and let them burn. Boots, Bottle, Blink, Force, BoT are your items. Tranquil if you are having a hard time. Farm the jungles while your ulty is on CD. Ask supports to stack for you and also stack yourself or via illusions. After BoT, go for Shivas, Refresher, Euls or MoM. Get dusts and smokes. Gem is also great on bat, ez deward. Level 7 2-0-4-1; level 11 2-3-4-2.

          Random Bat tips, sorry for bad formating.

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            I think after blink and forcestaff you could consider bkb if the enemy team has alot of disables.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Was just about to edit my post to add BKB. :D