General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter 16 low priority games I played 1 game ranked won and after that...

After 16 low priority games I played 1 game ranked won and after that again 16 low priority in General Discussion

    So bassiicly I get 16 low priority games for this game this is a joke. I m even muted I can`t speak and I didn`t spammed anything well played or so. Opposite team said 5 man reported me for unpausing their guy who dced.When someone in my team dc is always instant unpause by opposite team.D idn`t knew is illegal to unpause a game and get 16 low prio. I m fucking done with this account see ya guys .

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        Just make new account and play there ffs. I have similiar problems too lately and i dont even flame that much. When you get over 10 games in lp (btw i dont think it resets in less then a month), you're basically fucked and you should play that months on other account so your main resets. Add me if u want to smurf together.


          hahahhahahahahahahahahaahha SO MANY BOT GAMES Ahhaahhahahaha




              Thats what you get for being a griefer bogi, the system already recognizes you as a player with bad conduct and will punish you for even 1 report.

              Sucks to be you.

              Giff me Wingman

                Welcum to Low prio. I am currently there as well, i have a very fun time!


                  once your acct is flagged like that it's not even worth playing any more


                    I agree. Too many people abuse the five man reporting system. It's complete BS. Muted for over 500 hours cause of it.


                      Oh i gues 16 is not a punishement, this is really retarded think, many games and thats no make ppl change, no sence i hope this been removed soon, gl


                        Report and mute system are complete bollocks, the reset times are just insanelly long and dont make comunity any better - not help the player to calm their tits more or improve behavior.


                          need 32 low prio games insted of 16, l m a o.

                          Make love, not flame

                            ^ ++

                            Yes it's working. Even if the player doesn't learn to behave, other players can't meet him until he finishes the 16 LP.


                              Hey  past-me,  this  is  Bogi  from  year    2037.
                              I  have  just  completed  a  series  of  264  Low  Prioty  Dota7  games.  I'm  slowly  losing  my grasp of  reality,  please  refrain  from  playing  Dota  2  or  whatever  you  are  playing  in  2010's  for  the  sake  of  your  mental  health.

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                                quality copypasta


                                  thats prettymuch the reason why i quit this account myself


                                    No reset on low priority is just a bullcrap. Only Volvo can come up with something like that.

                                    the realm's delight

                                      after i complete the 16 lp games i will be the best mannered player in the dota 2 community. i will never get lp again

                                      the realm's delight

                                        god, not even i believe what im saying


                                          bitch pls

                                          being mannered has nothing to do with getting reported

                                          u pick earthspirit u get reported

                                          u pick slark u get reported

                                          u go jugnle u get reported

                                          u go mid u get reported

                                          u die in offlane once u get reported

                                          u don't win game as carry u get reported and many more reasons to get reported

                                          i remember i was muted so i just spammed safelane slark for that time and won like 10 games in a row and got low priority after them..

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                                              reports add up overtime when u reach certain amount of reports u start getting low priorities

                                              and once u start getting them u get 16 games every single day if u play decent amount of time

                                              jsut wait

                                              im not getting any ony my new account either


                                                Y, it's accumulating.
                                                I've been muted on this account after a single game each time for 2,5 years already.
                                                Same with low priority. When the lp times were increasing by 30 minutes/low priority times at least you could switch to another account and wait it out I had it to accumulate to 2weeks+ per low prio instance. Now when it's 16 games it doesn't make me switch to another account because when I'd come back I'd still have to play 16 games. Thus it makes me not want to play pubs at all. Disgusting system making people waste time and not punishing actually bad players who grief or ruin.

                                                What would be legit though, if they swapped mute system to league of lel system and made low prio back into timed one again.

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I think it's the EU servers. All the complainers always seem to be on EU and everyone who says you have to really fuck up to get low priority seems to be from US.

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                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        Ever cum to mind that you are a flamer? lulx

                                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                          id report you again if that was possible. i hope i get a game with u so i can add 16 more

                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            Maybe don't unpause when someone is disconnected? Just cause people act like pressing F9 will give them 10000 gold, doesn't give you right to do that also. IMO "someone is doing X, I can do X also!" is worst excuse ever. "Oh so many people steal, it's ok that I steal too".


                                                              Buy more chests from the Dota 2 Store.


                                                                Alright again 16 low prio I get I guess 1 guy reported me last game max 2 for playing bad and thats it 16 low prio deleting acc for sure now new acc fuck VALVE

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