General Discussion

General DiscussionEvery MMR point above 4.5k is diminishing returns

Every MMR point above 4.5k is diminishing returns in General Discussion

    MMR points between 0 to 4.5k are all equal.

    Any above 4.5k are worth less and less.


      Cause of the smurfs or the bad abusers?


        ^ Meepo & ES spammers.


          Who are you to tell us such Shocking news, OP? And why should we believe you?

          Imprecis and?


            Dravic - u can play like 4.5k player & be 6k+, because of Meepo/ES spam.


              you know what the proplayers think about you?
              The same


                actually i met much higer skilled players at 4-5k ~ range while playing (stomping) on my smurf

                than i did playing on my main 5-7k~ range or maybe everyone is just douchebag with high mmr so its harder to notice

                whiskey waters

                  i met only one good player in my entire life who was ~4-5k rest are all bad


                    after 4.5k u find ppl who rlly know how to play the hero

                    i think