General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to go exort invoker?

When to go exort invoker? in General Discussion

    It seems only good for the eul combo which is kinda bad because it leaves you out of spells for quite a few momment mid game. Or for some reason if your team stomps 4v5 so you just go straight push with fire remnent and meteor.

    Wex is so much more team fight oriented which i find is the meta right now. Plus you can escape with ghostwalk.

    And other question: is it possible to leave quas very low and go wex/exort? Legit?


      If team has high mana pool heroes that rely on using skills like tide enig clock etc... go q/w

      If team has strong carries like pa, am its good to go q/e..

      Go q/e if you are confident that you can carry early and lategame other wise q/w is team dependent and less pressure


        why would u even skill wex lol

        u go exort get that 15 min orchid and then win game afterwards

        or necro 3 or whatever else u wanna get from ur insanely farmed hero


          Kael - ahh brilliant! Good insights.

          We say no - wasnt aware wex was a bad...

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