General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anybody explain this to me?

Can anybody explain this to me? in General Discussion

    How the f**k is this game VERY HIGH SKILLED?

    The thing is that this is not my very 1st games in Dota. When I say, very first i mean like 4-5 games played. Some of these guys have played like 5 matches only, and their stats are really bad, and they get to play in "Very High Skill" ? How? Why?

    Since I've started crying, don't mind me finishing it please.
    1. asking dazzle for a grave - not possible, he's friend with slark
    2. terrorblade buys back while we're pushing Mid T3 tower, maybe 200 hp left. (He used ulty before he died 1st time, so it is on CD)

    - Axe is hitting the tower while I'm trying to kill a fresh boughtback hero who can have an imact on the game! Axe had a blink dagger, dazzle had a grave, TB's ulty CD eventualy refreshed and I got raped... That fight vs TB lasted like 15-20 sec, it lasted soooo long, Axe could've dunk him 1000 times.

    Of course they didn't take that tower, they went back, did nothing at all etc...

    I didn't say it, I was a solo offlane Jakiro, which leaves Slark on mid (4-11 3 items 1 hour of playing), PA on top which also had just a BKB in min 30. Axe who took a lot of my kills, but nvm i don't have a problem with that, and the last it's Dazzle who is NON-STOP walking behind Slark, casting graves on him while he's 1/2 hp and other people are dying (shadow blade/ulty = Slark's escape options).

    This is leading us to the point where the game starts to colapse... They overfarmed PA and Slark, which was not too hard to do, but they did it... And the game was lost... Very high skilled game...

    Anyways, problems are:
    1. If I get a carry, 70-75% of mid players fail... (speaking just about my team)
    2. If I get mid, what is really, but really f**king rare, it goes with two cases -
    2.1. There's 2 guys more who want to play mid and argue between themselves while mine Hero Icon is already marked on mid, and I've called it already, so I have to back off and wait to see who's getting 0-3 in min 5.
    2.2. I get an easy mid, no one argues, BUT it's a trap... Guess what... It's minute 7, our safe lane has 0-3, support from the safe lane (ofc if we have one there) is 0-5 and I AM THE MAN who is guilty about it 100%. "MID NO GANG, GG", "GANG, MID NOOB GG", "REPORT MID, NO GANG, GG"

    If you ask me, mid hero should be farming as much as possible, trying to dominate the lane, and have control of it, not to gank constantly, eventhough it's a pub game, I guess none of us play to lose it, or drop it, or what ever... When you think about it really good, there is really not that much situations for a mid hero to actualy go and gang some other lane. That has to be those specific moments, when your lane is pushed, when u got haste rune or what so ever, invis... So i think you get the point.

    3. If i get, anything else, ANY HERO, just to let those guys pick what ever they want because I really want to win, and they are so VERY HIGH SKILLED, so let them be, and I don't want to argue with anyone, and I don't want them to argue between themselves... I'm trying my f**king best to get these guys to actualy do something, and start using their heroes to win this, and believe me, that can not do so many people these days, IT'S SO HARD! And you think you got them on the straight way, and we're goin', we're doing it, we're winning this shit!!! And then it starts falling deep, so deep, like - TA who had 4-0-0 on mid, I ganked, and we killed, etc... starts dying 11 times in a row... couple of them doing the same, just copying, that's fine! -.-
    And in some cases there is jut one more guy who actualy knows what is he doing and he's not playing any core hero too... Game lost, thank you for playing.

    So guys, if anyone actualy read this, I'd like to thank you, and I'm looking forward to your answer!

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        You've lost me at the first line.