General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I have won this game ? Advices pls

How could I have won this game ? Advices pls in General Discussion

    So I'm 4k mmr, played unranked game in High Skill. I thought I was doing decently, but my allies were feeding like crazy, I was Storm. I watched my replay & I don't see any mistakes, besides maybe few missed last hits, but nothing major. I had 16min Orchid+Bottle+PT+Soul Ring, which is a good timing, but I coudn't do anything. We lacked dmg, so I even didn't try to gank, coz I feel it would be a failure & would slow my orchid. In 16min I was 0-0-0 & we were like 20 kills behind...All fed like crazy.

    If someone good (preferably 5k+ player) could watch & give me some advices I would be really glad, because I seriously don't have ANY idea what I could have done better to win this game. It felt like unwinnable game to me, but I don't believe it was unwinnable.

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    King of Low Prio

      it doesnt take a 5k player to tell you that you made tons of mistakes in the match. 7k MM players make mistakes in their matches


        Sampson - good, but I don't see any major mistake...I even watched replay & tried to analize it, but I can't see ANY mistake. In this game it felt like I played really well...It's ez to say "tons of mistakes", but I personally can't find them in this game. In 99% of my losses I know where I failed, but not in this game, that's why I posted it...What could I have done to win this game ?

        Bait Master Elite

          you qued unranked, if you notice the other people in you team, they have games in normal and high skill, so lets say they are apx 3.3k, to balance that out the enemy team is around 3.4k. Not making mistakes here isn't enough, you have to make plays and carry your team.


            Bait Master Elite - question is how ? I watched replay & I see no opportunites for those "plays". I think heroes were ungankable in this game, that's why I didn't gank.


              Well if you think you cant make an impact you pretty much answered your own question didn't you?
              Just to be clear you have to make opportunities or the game will keep going the way it is going.

              the realm's delight

                200 gpm am best am

                King of Low Prio

                  Roel has it right, too many people focus too much on their own score to actually change the flow of the match. They tend to avoid any engagements that might hurt their personal score BUT drastically increase your teammates productivity. A good example of this is farming the other teams jungle instead of taking the jungle from your weaker teammates.