General Discussion

General DiscussionLuna LH

Luna LH in General Discussion
Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

    How many Last hits should i have at 30 mins when using Luna?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      A lot. Here I had ~250 but I was in a 2v3 lane.

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      bum farto

        About 250-300 depending on how much fighting and stacking has been done.


          Something between 150 and 300.

          Depending on lane and enemy heroes.

          In some game, even if you have 80 creep at min 10, you cann't reach 160 at min 20, even in afk farm


            I wonder if MOM is better than HotD if you intend to farm a lot? with MOM you can't dominate a creep to stack camps, but you get higher AS/MS = faster farming. MOM would supposingly make playing this boring-ass hero (I repeat ASS) somewhat bearable...

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              every game is different.


                you can't stack camps but someone else can do it for you.

                if no one does then get hotd. exp and gold from ancients too good to pass on. besides at certain point it doesn't matter how fast you clear creeps, you just run out of things to kill.


                  Now that Xan mentioned space MOM doesn't seem such a good idea on her given that she already has a pseudo-cleave :)
                  oh well, some day...

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                  Dire Wolf

                    Luna clears extremely fast with dominator. Luna moves extremely fast with her high base speed plus yasha (into manta later) or possibly phase boots. Luna is fairly fragile and mask will just compound this problem in a fight, while going dominator adds some armor and can be a satanic later (great end game item for her). Clearing stacked ancients is one of luna's biggest strengths. Thus I don't really see the point in going mask over dominator. It's benefits aren't really stuff that luna needs.

                    As far as last hits though, as long as you got more than the other team you're good! Actually it just depends but use 5-6 a min as a gauge.


                      its not rocket science. the whole point is to farm faster, and you do, if you can rely on your team. also if you happen to have something like omni in team mom will do wonders.

                      I always said mom and bladmail are two best items in the game in gold/worth ratio.


                        If you have a free farm 3 lane anything less than 250 cs in 30 min. I consider bad but if a game is ultra hard even 200 is fine than or if you have more farmers in team like mid Sf etc. also 180-250 fine probably. If you have totally free farm and ez game and you are only real core farmer in team 270-320 for 30 min. can be good. Maybe someone will flame me but I really like free farm luna midas it gives to luna soo much, usually 35-40 min. 6 slot


                 This is good example how to luna 30 min.

                          Dire Wolf

                            The op is normal bracket, normal skill. There is no way he is going to get ~8 cs /min 30 mins in. That's just not possible without team stacking for you and they won't in his bracket, they just don't know to do so. That level farm is only really possible with illusion heroes where you can clear jungle and lanes simultaneously like TB, naga, meepo.

                            Also in his bracket free farming for ~35 mins will probably end up with his team way behind. Better to get a couple core items and push. Once you have dominator, bkb, yasha start pushing the t1/t2s and then push rax once you get manta. It's normally plenty to win a luna game.


                              Shooting for a number of cs by x minute is not smart. You just always want to be ahead of the other farmer, and doing so may not always be by having 10 cs/minute. Pushing towers/joining team fights may be more profitable (not always for the luna, but the team in general) and that is the smarter play.

                              Never say "I'm shooting for 200 cs this game" because it may not be for the best. Read the game situation over trying to hit a number which really means nothing.

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