General Discussion

General DiscussionObserving 3k players and why it's actually them.

Observing 3k players and why it's actually them. in General Discussion
hentai warrior

    So I'm smurfing for 3k to see exactly why it's so hard for them to win games, and I'm doing this by choosing a hard carry--one that has no potential to help out early game, and I can understand why. 3k players don't buy observers, and shadow blade, Mirana, and any invisible unit is literally broken in this league because sentries and dust do not exist. Courier does not get upgraded, and if it does, it's around the 30-minute mark that it is upgraded.

    Oh, and your lane partner will steal your farm in lane. God damn, I love 3k.




        Yea and your main is what, 4k? 4500?

        Dont feel superior to lesser friends, instead find out what exactly are YOU doing wrong and improve it.


          Why so offensive?


            Well in China 3k friends are pretty competent

            bum farto

              There are times where I play with 3k's and low 4k's and go "wow, they're actually pretty decent" but that is rare and even the few always have stuff that keeps them there. Some are good but just play the game casually so will never really improve.


                I was boosting my friend's 2.5k account & I don't see diffrence between 2.5k & 3k tbh (I'm 4k). When I was farming jungle as TA, allied Sven was surprised that I didn't gank whole game, coz for him mid = constant ganks. When I get Normal Skill Bracket in unranked, skill seems similar. I think 2.5k-3k is same shit, around 3.5k people are getting signficantly better & then u see pretty big diffrence between 3.5k & 4k. Don't know diffrence between 4.5k & 4k, but between 4k & 5k diffrence is really big from what I've noticed.


                  I was wondering how did you get such terrible experience, but then noticed US.
                  in EU 3k is not THAT bad :D


                    The problems with 3k are severely different from what you put.

                    Couriers get bought and are eventually upgraded, but they are often killed by enemy towers or creeps because nobody has map awareness.

                    You will find observer wards, but they matter only for 2 people at most in a team, because the rest have no map awareness (again) and get killed by the 2 to 5 heroes that passed by the observer right next to them constantly.

                    Invisibility is indeed broken for this range. So why do you still see 3k people maining and not improving with their invis heroes? Because sentrys and gems are broken too and once they are bought, it's normally gg for the other team because their invi dude does not know how to deal with them and begins to feed.

                    Then, there are the obvious farming issues.

                    I should know, forever 3k here :)
                    I know in what I suck and what I need to improve to raise my MMR, but I play every few days and not always ranked, so it's like I play in a constant rusty state.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I dunno, some matches it's like everyone is game is braindead and then others you run into shit like this.


                      Enemy sky ganked our mid 3-4 times WITH SENTRIES cus you know, it's TA. I was like holy shit this is only 3500 why are you trying so hard? I think every carry on their team had dust on them entire game too.

                      But then you get games your team does that too, then you get games where team picks all carries so it just depends. It really depends on if you get the good supports or not. Generally everyone sucks at farming so most games depend on support securing those early kills. It's hit or miss.