General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin question

Templar Assassin question in General Discussion

    So when I'm laning against a melee e.g Tiny as Templar Assassin it's easy to harass them with psi blade when you hit a creep, though if you do that it pushes the wave a bit. So if there is an oppurtunity to harass with psi blades should I do it at the cost of pushing the creep wave a bit? Also if I can already out last hit the enemy mid laner and he is out of range to harass with psi blades is there any point of having refraction on?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      If you have superior lane control you will have runes, combine that with bottle and you will have "infinite" mana. And if mana isn't a problem why wouldn't you want to have permanent bonus damage and damage block on? Casting refraction only when needing refraction means you will wait for 17 seconds before you can cast again. Having the spell precasted, means you will wait less. If instances are unused, while spell is cooling down there will be a window of double refraction. 6/8/10/12 instances of bonus 20/40/60/80 damage and same number of damage block is no joke. It can allow dives, easy tower siege (especially T1 that has no backdoor protection), fast ancients and save from ganks, even turn them into triple kills if enemies have no way to quickly remove refraction.
      Logically, don't cast it if you don't need it or your mana is low, bottle near empty and runes not about to spawn.

      Овај коментар је измењен
      Dune, the Desert Planet

        About Psi Blades, most of the time it's better to harass, that shit hurts as hell. If you hit a melee creep for X damage you will spill 90% of that damage as pure damage . On level 5 with refraction on it's ~113-119 dmg per hit.
        Do it when denying, that way u preserve instances while minimizing the pushing a bit.
        Push when you want to leave the lane (to get a rune that is about to spawn for example, or to farm ancients).


          Just what I needed thanks.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            No problemo bro, ask me anything.

            Sup m8

              I didn't know people like @gg existed in dota forum. Helpful and kind.