General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should I have done this game?

What should I have done this game? in General Discussion
    I really feel I could've done better to help us win this game. Should I have gone for say an abyssal straight up instead of getting the AC to deal with their mkb pickups? Should I have gone battle fury? Can an expert please tell me, I'd like to be a better player.

    King of Low Prio

      you hit towers to win games, start with that


        yea abysals rly strong plus your team actually has 0 reliable catch so the overwhlem is pretty useful. i dont have enough game knowledge to explain situations where you go fury or not but this game you have a tb so the way mid game fights is going to go is 4v5 fight with tb taking towers etc so no fury would not have been good this game.

        beesa goes treads aquila hotd into bash bkb or bkb bash from what i remember

        also mid game wolf/ogre would be most ideal

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          but then again tb has 558 td so who knows

          Dire Wolf

            um PA can't win that game, best shot is to split push and let TB rax them while you guys D. Every hero on their team has an escape vs your team with zero cc, you're not going to win fights as they'll just run from a fight they can't win. Gotta punish them with rat.


              thanks for tips guys, yea I was thinking I should've hit more towers too, I'm suprised nobody mentioned mkb as the am had butterfly, i was able to farm AC so i couldve farmed mkb instead.

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