General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats up with puck players last 24 hours?

Whats up with puck players last 24 hours? in General Discussion

    Seriosly will someone explain to me? 35 min. no dagger with 4 towers on radiant rofl 2-25}

    All mmr lost

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        I'm sorry, that shit happens.
        The first is truly bad, the second one had 2 orchids against him but 25 deaths are 2 much, with puck you can stay with the team and just try to get impact on teamfights.
        -50 amuzing points

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            Alright after a pause of 7 hours cus i couldnt take it all day yesterday abandons 2-25 guys etc. I started new game 1 hour ago and this happened ABANDON SYSTEM THANKS VALVE. First guy feeds 10 kills in 9 min. for some reason and than he leave and i get - points amazing system


              How many times do I have to tell you Bogi?

              If you lose 1 or 3, hell even 10 games in a row cause of team-mates doing TERRIBLESHIT/Leaving 10minutes into the game after feeding 19 kills that shit doesn't matter.

              It will set you on a very hard mental test, however if anywhere average you'll pull this off you after some hours of thought and realization.


              You will get to the mmr you deserve, then you will start trouble. Then suddenly you will bang thru and climb 250+ mmr straight, and probably get strande for a while and then just back up.

              I've had several lose streaks and tilt-sprees lately, but that doesn't mean shit cause I've always faught my way back up.

              Complaining about your stupid losses doesn't help you at all, and doing it on dotabuff is even worse.

              Cmon bogi, you know better


                I like so much when people think they can counter my Brood with Axe/Legion rofl, finnaly won after 3/4 purpose ruined abandon games


                  C9.DD: The believerboy I do my best, I m strong mentally and I didn`t get actually mad after any of these loses I was just like wtf man why is this happening 3 days in arow. Always when I reach some better mmr people start to act like 2k mmr or like raging kids who leave games I don`t understand its not a first time. Its just too much for 3 days you understand? I made pause 7 hours thought smth will change and than I had Venomancer who come to my midle for some reason and feed Troll suddenly he 0-10 and leaves game. Its ok. for that things to happen happens to everyone but to me happening already 3 days in a row check games is a litle bit too much.


                    Why is this keep happening to me? Guy randomed a hero he played last time 2 years ago and first time ranked ever with him 3 times total impressive stuff 4.4k mmr playing like - 1000 mmr

                    Giff me Wingman

                      maybe you should suck less.


                        Let me guess - you first picked sniper, then got countered hard and raped? Also your item build suck - where the hell is your blink? Eul and SB's not gonna save you.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          man this guy has nothing to do other then go from thread to thread and make retarded flames.

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                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              ^ Nah you have brains and know dota
                              also i dont think u enjoy flaming

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                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  I mean on threads for no reason like that kid 1234 or samson

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    In dota I hate flaming, cus it dsnt get u anywhere, they always say something back and there is no winning a flame, some stupid shit will be thrown back at u everytime. Best way to win is to mute him and let him waste his time flaming nobody.

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                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        who cares, some guy just wanted to play that shitty hero and feed, there are thousands people like that, is flaming going to make him better. and idk y he call me 2600 mmr player without seeing a single of my games or playing with me.