General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you wanna make it pro

If you wanna make it pro in General Discussion

    And you are reading this you are already in the wrong place.

    If you've been playing it for 10 years now, you are way way too late.

    If you are 25 years and older, you are way too old.

    If you've been playing it for a year or two now and still in 3/4/5k bracket, you are never gonna be good enough.

    Allow me to shed some light on the whole dota shenanigans.
    I've been playing it for as long as i can remember, and I'm closing in to my 27. I've got enough knowledge and rating to play it somewhat competitively but I never cared enough for it sadly. I've never took it serious enough (the game itself wasn't that serious back in the day to begin with), and I kept pouring hours and hours, years after years into it.
    There's no income in it. Just try to put it into perspective. Millions and millions of players, and only 0.1% of it good enough, and then only 0.5% of that 0.1% actually makes it. Financially, it's not worth the time.
    I have no good enough internet to stream, I have not enough patience to teach.
    Why I'm saying this? Because im glancing through the forums and there are like 6/7 complain/whine threads on first page alone. I don't even bother posting anymore because I can't possibly even begin to describe the utter and utmost pointlessness of it all.
    It transcends fun. It becomes a way of life, and a very harmful one at that.
    I've talked to my friend and I've said it before, if I could swap all this knowledge of dota and all my skill and how good I am (it's been a curse to be good at video games and take it for granted) for as something as simple as being good at math, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

    That's the simple truth behind it. To make it a valid life choice it has to be self sustainable, and gaming is sadly still far from it, for the most of most of most of everyone, and it's brutal.

    If you still wanna give it a go, be smart about it. Have a plan B. Don't go full retard like I did.
    Stop playing infinite amount of pubs. Don't be a dick, you have to have connections and in order to do that you have to make people like you.
    Focus more on playing with people from your own country. It's quite common these days that teams are nationally made, and knowing right people within your community helps heaps in making baby steps at least. (I'm one of highest rated people from my country and I absolutely hated playing with them. a dire mistake for anyone even remotely thinking about possibility of going pro)
    Talk to your parents, if you are serious about it. If you are serious then they have to know you are serious. (if they are oblivious to the whole situation, like my were, you are never gonna hear the end of it nor receive any backup)
    And if you just think you might know how much effort and dedication you have to put in, boy you don't have a clue. You have infinitely better chance to finish a uni of your choice than make it pro.
    But if you are still adamant about it, bless your poor soul. And good luck.

    I'm 27 years old, I've had 3 exams to give 4 YEARS AGO and I'll never get around it. Have no plans of getting married any time in foreseeable future. I'm living in a 3rd world country and I'm currently unemployed.
    Oh and im really good at dota.

    And it really doesn't fucking matter.


      Your life isn't over man, you just have to start in the minor leagues like everyone else.



        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Zvuči kao suicide note. Kjo to....
          Osvajamo ne sledeći, nego onaj tamo internacional. Veruj mi.


            all i'm seeing here is a depressed guy in LPQ

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                It's all priorities man.

                EDIT: Also, I'm a believer in living for yourself. That doesn't necessarily mean being selfish, or greedy, but I value personal happiness greater than the success of this inherently stupid and flawed societal system spreading over the world. If you play games because you enjoy them, why is it bad to be good at them?

                I think it's wrong to play these games with the intention of going pro, yes, but, games were not conceived in order to be a competition. Single-player games were made before multiplayer games, after all.

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                BIG FAT DUCK

                  Maybe I can help, since we've known each other for a while.

                  I've been pouring a lot of time into it as well (I'm 5.5k on NA servers) but I never had the intention of going pro. Never have, never will. Dota is just a really fun waste of time.

                  I'm not nearly in the situation that you are (though I was close to it several times) and it's apparent dota is your haven from your rather lackluster real life conditions. Nothing else seems to interest you much or else dota would be relegated to a hobby instead of an obsession. (Yes, people who play 8 games/day are obsessed, that's not a deniable comment). People holding decent paying jobs and play in the 3k bracket (i.e. people whom we would consider "utter garbage") will just have as much fun as 6k players in the gutters.

                  So now what? I hope you can reevaluate what's important and go from there. I struggle with it too. But in the end your life will go on.

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                    Well said Xan

                    whiskey waters

                      u need a gf bro


                        Xan - thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post. I am kinda in the same position, with exception that i'm still far from your skill and i am waisting my life on a video game. I'm 26 years old, was great in school but waisted university (i was studiing math) because of video games. I was pretty damn good at music production and composing too, last 2 years i mostly gave it up cause of a fuckin video game called Dota. Its 8.30 am right now in my country, i havent had any sleep and i randomly went to check the forum and saw first few words of your post. It may just turn my life to better and i am thanking you again for your sincere words.

                        From the bottom of my heart i wish you well mate, i hope you get a job that is worth your time and making a good living from it.


                          you could make movies from dota players personal stories of wasted lives. ayyyy lmao


                            I share the sentiment and completely agree that unless you happened to be: 16-18 and you are already in leaderboards & you know people in the scene AND you have financial support from family to begin with, so you don't have to work and play at the same time,
                            it's not very likely that you will break through to the pro scene, but with enough motivation you can probably find other ways to for using dota as your main source of income.

                            I'm 20 and I can see that some of my friends & family would think that I'm too old for dota but it's fine really as long as it doesn't hinder your potential & interfere with real commitments.


                              don't worry about me guys, I ain't depressed lel.
                              I've came to this conclusion for some time now, I'm just simply trying to share some of my story so that others may learn something from it.
                              if it helps even one to rethink about some of their choices then the thread already served its purpose.

                              for those who didn't want to read or missed a point completely, too bad. thread isn't about me at all, but rather in finding yourself in this story and making something from it.
                              thread carefully guys. it's rather easy to get lazy irl and dota is just too easy of an answer.

                              @gf comment, you made me laugh mate. because I think it would actually go backwards. women, worse poison than dota xD.


                                True .. woman are worse


                                  fucking cringe thread,
                                  [size=25]I AM THE 0.1%!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]




                                      Take the exams again?

                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                        If you gave up on your dreams, you're already dead.


                                          It's possible to make money playing semi-competitively playing even less Dota than what you used to do and have a normal job/studies. Just don't waste your time with pubs.


                                            There are streamers with 3k mmr who make enough money for a living its not true that it is like unpossible to make any earnings in dota and that only pros with 7k mmr can do it. Also 4-5k mmr people can boost accounts and get some money for that as well.


                                              ^ what are u even talking about.
                                              Video games were never meant to be a job, a dream or whatever. It is just what it developed to for some people.
                                              Video games were made for fun. The problem is, they are very addicting and time-wasters.
                                              For me personaly, I like to use video games (i actually only play dota once in a while) as a deppression-free products, or something like that. They make me forget on my problems for a while and allow me to have fun.

                                              Before I started playing dota, I played cs 1.6, and it felt like MAN I'VE WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. So i took it wisely with this game.


                                                Bogi, can you please tell me what 3k player is making a living of DotA?

                                                Siractionslacks? PyrionFlax? (Pyrion doesn't even have DotA as a primary job, and Siractionslacks just quited his job)

                                                These guys doesn't matter in regard of mmr, cause they make living of dota cause of their personality and video creation, not anything related to their skill-level.

                                                oyh, and:

                                                Nice to hear some of your story Xan. Hope you'll be great and change your life in a positive way for yourself.

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                                                  my mom said if i try hard enuff i can be anything

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                                                          haha this topic is too real.

                                                          I think younger people have a better chance of playing pro because they have more time. Simply put, if you're in your mid twenties and fail, it's going to have a major impact on your career going forward. If you are a teenager or in the early twenties, there is more time "to give it a shot".

                                                          Also, as others said, just make sure you have your priorities straight. This game is like a drug and I'm pretty sure a majority of us would think playing this game is more hurtful in general than helpful. Just make sure you have the people (significant other, friends, family) in real life take precedent over dota.


                                                            you can count average player streamers with decent following on one hand.
                                                            if you aren't Russian or a girl, or a russian girl! forget about streaming.

                                                            you gonna make more money doing minimum wage potato jobs.

                                                            now if you somehow made it like that summ1t guy who streams games with huge following and has a steady income from it, hats off.
                                                            for others chances are you gonna land a formula 1 seat sooner rather than living of a twitch. which just might be 10th of never.

                                                            whiskey waters

                                                              tbh i wish i never started playing wc3, i think my life would be completely different if i didnt know this game )


                                                                what is ur mmr xan?

                                                                and nice post, I enjoyed reading it and might help me with my addction...

                                                                gl in real life


                                                                  He's 6.4k


                                                                    its not that hard to become a streamer if u know what u are doing

                                                                    sadly majority of people who streams are utter shitters they think that only streaming how they play gonna give them viewerbase (well thats not gonna happen unless u dendi or any top tier player )

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      i am tiger

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        u need to know what to say as strimer.

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          that's why there are things like 3000 mmr tourneys right
