General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat itmes to get on ursa

What itmes to get on ursa in General Discussion
U wot m8?

    What items to get on Ursa to counter heros like TA, PL, Troll Warlord ?



      TA, not sure, just don't pick Ursa vs. her. If you get counter picked just target her team first. Urn can help, but I wouldn't build that on Ursa. Manta helps. Keep in mind her shield still allows your fury swipes to stack. Just stack your overpower so you have 12 hits max speed. Manta+Abyssal should still melt her. Sheep can work too.

      PL: Battlefury isn't completely insane.

      Troll: MKB.

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      U wot m8?

        ok cool thx ill try this out

        what about against bunch melee tanky heros, heart or something else ?

        casual gamer

          you have to build an item called repick


            Just tested vs. TA.

            Phase,Blink,BKB,MKB,Manta,Abyssal will burst her before the stun ends. This is vs. the items she had in your game and still 2000gp less cost. And this is with me forgetting to stack overpower. I didn't even need more than 6 overpower charges.
            (22,645gp Ursa VS. 24,125gp TA)

            BKB, Blink, Stun, Manta.

            Nobody can stop you, TA is dead. Then either run or fight depending on the situation and your HP.

            Tested again with 0 additonal bashes. She survives for about 1 second after Abyssal ends. This shouldn't be an issue unless you don't have detection or if she is REALLY lucky and has refraction off cooldown again. (This means she activated it about 14 seconds ago)

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            U wot m8?

              awesome i will try this out next time, in what order should i get them tho ?

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                Phase into Blink (Or Lothar if you think that will suit you better in the game, keep in mind it will be very hard to initiate on TA w/ Lothar in the late game if you can't get an advantage with it early on)

                BKB is situational. You'll probably want it almost every game I'd imagine, but when you get it depends. Sometimes their magic isn't very scary, sometime their magic IS scary, but if you get BKB then TA will outcarry you. Sometimes without BKB you'll just get kited/stunlocked, it really depends on their team.
                Manta or Basher first is situational. (Can manta help me dodge shit, or will the illusions help me more than basher will?)
                Abyssal vs. MKB is situational (Did she rush bfly? Do they have an escapey team I can snipe with abyssal?)

                Part of getting good is knowing when and how to adapt your build on a game to game basis.

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                  hex abyssal boots sangeyasha/heart butterfly blink

                  U wot m8?

                    aight thx man

                    Dire Wolf

                      Trolls whirling axes do not go through bkb either so you'll need mkb eventually but if you need to rush bkb first that's fine for the interim.


                        TA should have 50% more networth than ursa in an even game, the shadowblade hex build also 100-0s ursa easily


                          good items

                          Dire Wolf

                            Ursa doesn't want to fight those guys late anyway, he wants to do early rosh, kill a bunch of squishy supports and snowball so by the time he's fighting ta, pl and troll he has a huge lead and it doesn't matter what items he has.

                            So really what you need are snowballing items to kill supports - bkb, blink, shadowblade, basher.


                              Heroes like TA, Troll you'll need basher/abyssal. For troll's whirling axes miss rate you'll need to deal with it using bkb or mkb (you'll be building bkb against other stunners usually).
                              It's very rare that you'll have to go manta to dispel debuffs, like if they have a camping treant who is always waiting to blink in to root you after you're bkbed and jumping on someone (in games where you cant afford to jump in w/o bkb coz of stunners) then maybe you'll consider a manta to break out of root.

                              Ursa is just bad against PL unless you can find his real hero and blink in to snipe him off with abyssal blade and burst him down immediately.

                              I usually have phase, valds and dagger as basic 3 core items, then building the rest of the items depending on the situation.
                              Sometimes I switch out dagger for forcestaff or have both in a game with Furion opposite (to avoid getting trapped by sprout).

                              Basher/abyssal is always good against all the carries, especially those with escape mechanisms (blink in and abyssal them). You'll need bkb for stunners and also to deal with blademails etc.

                              For evasion heroes like PA I tend to go for mkb, although some people prefer to go hex (removes evasion for the period, whether it's PA's passive blur or evasion from items like butterfly). If you go hex then you probably would want to get a satanic instead of valds to make better use of your limited 6 item slots.

                              I always have item slot problems in a lot of ursa games.
                              Eg. Phase Dagger BKB Valds
                              If they have mirana or other ww heroes then you'll need to carry dust, plus a TP scroll and you're out of slots.

                              Against ghost sceptor carriers, diffusal is a counter but sometimes you just face item slot constraints. If the situation allows it I'll go for abyssal to blink in and kill people off before they activate ghost sceptor (either active, or praying for a 1st hit bash if you have it on cooldown).

                              I usually end up with Phase(or BOT if game goes really late) valds (or satanic if game goes really late) bkb abyssal blink, and 6th item being situational items like dust/gem/diffusal/hex/forcestaff/mkb. It's rare that I'll be able to get away without the need for a situational 6th item and go for a damage or tanky item like desolator, skadi, mkb or daedalus.

                              I think the most important part of playing ursa is about your movements while playing the hero, blinking in to catch people, avoiding being kited in a fight and knowing when it's safe to smoke for a rosh (you can try to save gold on a smoke by blinking in from trees at dire T1, but if there's an observer on the cliff there that you didn't know about then you could end up giving away a free rosh. I prefer to play more safely when trying to get roshan).

                              The worst games to play ursa are those when the opponents have a lot of heroes can kite (disruption from SD, forcestaff etc or help to disengage you with skills like Medusa's Stone Gaze), or when they have heroes/items that will force you to go several situational items (Furion, PA, Omniknight, Treant, Potm ulti, ghost sceptors, shadow blade) so you might not be able to build up any core damage items when the game drags late other than an abyssal blade.

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                diffusal blade gives u 2 instance per hit


                                  Vs pl get manta and Axe for aoe and search for clone with highest HP and unleash series of attack .will be dead in seconds.
                                  BOT .sange abysal heart .Vlad to up yr DMG and lower theirs bkb if they got stuns for late game pa u need MKB ofc .for troll I guess blade mall .same as vs ursa
                                  U can top yr movement speed at 496 with with drumm but its up to you.
                                  U outrun every hero in game.u can complete with deadalua but its v rare game will last.
                                  I prefer constant movement speed plus ability to tp over map than blinking.if u have problems use sb
                                  When u decide to charge u cannot escape .its you or him. .. . .
                                  And mana problem on Ursa is in every game .
                                  Start from jungle Axe shield tango.then ring recovery u don't need more tango.then basilus for many rec and def .then two str belts .to improve HP u will change it later into sword and hammer. . . at 6 lvl u get 1200hp y are untouchable .rosh then boots and complete yasha ..from that moment u get s fast farming


                                    The problem with PL is that his W now spawns a replica thats the same hp as you, so theoreticaly, on same skill/farm level, you just cant kill PL. Anyway, the only ppl that can play PL in pubs since his rework is me. The ennemy always build him the old way and feed.

                                    U wot m8?

                                      some good tips thanks guys

                                      @ KULKIET no offence but thats just plain bad build imo

                                      3k Pog Champ

                                        That's funny I don't see you anywhere on those PL rankings.



                                          Was speaking about pubs at my mmr (3500), people cant play him.


                                            Doing Rosh on lvl 6 with jungle Ursa is plain terrible.