General Discussion

General DiscussionWaga just got 1000 dollars donation on twitch.

Waga just got 1000 dollars donation on twitch. in General Discussion

    Before that he's got like almost 800 dollars from guy called Aesenberg.

    Then came aeawler and gave him 999.99 dollars.

    At this moment, he recived 100 dollars more from the same guy.

    Can't caunt the small amount od donation (2$, 5$, etc)

    I'm like wtf?

    This amount of money to a random Dota person?

    Must be good to be Waga.

    He's nice person, good Dota player, but cmon..

    That is like at least 6 months of work in my county.

    Ова тема је измењена

      Envy is a sin. =)

      the realm's delight

        u new to twitch bro? 1k is like piss easy for some streamers. especially girls


          He just got another 1k dollars, lol.

          Well I haven't watched much of twitch to be honest.


            yeah waga rakes it in, I don't really know how or why because he doesn't get the kind of viewers that a few others do..but he is an awesome streamer + person, and there are a lot of people out there with a lot of money that want to support these sorts of things.

            I know that there are some dudes from dubai (and many other places, but this guy in particular) that is known for donating a shit load of money to some streamers in either cs or WoW (can't remember). But yeah it seems crazy to me too, I'm too stingey to buy a cosmetic let alone donating three-four figure $$$. Good on them though, helps to grow dota.


              In my contry, to get 2000$ you'll need to work like 5 or 6 months.

              Average job gives you 350-400$ per month.


                different countries dude..worth considering cost of living too, some places you earn peanuts but shit is dirt cheap (at least for outsiders).

                If you've been to dubai you would understand just how rich these guys are. Probably the most ridiculous place I've ever been to. The palm island thing is just INSANE, its huge, and you have stacks of these massive hotels and a huge castle-esque hotel at the end that has like an aquarium and all this other shit. Unlike disney land or whatever, this stuff is legit. Its difficult to understand just how much money those guys have unless you have been there.


                  I never thought Dubai has such good standing when it comes to money.

                  Y I know, it's all about countries and stuff, but still, he earned 3k dollars today from playin' Dota for like 6 hours.

                  It's amazing stuff.

                  Quick maffs

                    Welcome to the real world man

                    If you really think about it there is a good amount of people who has way more money than waga will ever have without have done a thing in their lifes.


                      Where the fuck do you live
                      Brazil = 3rd world and average salary was R$ 1.943 in 2012 which is around 750 dollars

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                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                            Only 1k? Waga once get 2500$ in single donation


                              You don't even have to be good. Siractionslacks gets donations all the time, if you can make dota entertaining you can get paid for it

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                His highest is like 2700 or some shit. But most streamers make that much money from small donations and subscribers combined anyway. It really is a business now.


                                  his highest is 7500 i think.
                                  and to make 2k dollars i have to work like 2 years in my country.


                                    Some guy I watched once had literally <200 viewers and ended up getting £3400 (~$5100) from one guy in a single night


                                      he is hardly random dota person.


                                        if u combine all the top 20 donations from the vid bogi posted thats 18.5k$ in total


                                          from donations only.


                                            so all the flamers on dotabuff forum come from poor countries lol

                                            Low Expectations

                                              How can you live in such countries? If you know english, are below 40yo and have any sort of education just move to a decent country and live in normal living conditions. Just complaining about stuff doest help pack up ur shit and go


                                                as soon as i turn 16 i get out of here.
                                                im only 13 now :(



                                                    the amount of money summit receives from donation is unreal

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      You know the salaries in the country also represent the prices right? So you gotta earn in Sweden and then go spend it in Africa or some shit.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        You need to understand that Waga has spent more hours on dota than you will spend on working for many years ahead of you I'd imagine.

                                                        He have worked hard, and he is one of the few that makes it. Don't think these 2500 weren't earned in just 6 hours, take in calculation how much time he've spent on DotA, and how big of a risk that was.

                                                        Without DotA he would probably be selling hotdogs to boys on the street.

                                                        EDIT: I do understand you're salty though. I am too. However, rather than complaining, do something.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        U wot m8?

                                                          theres lots off rich kids for who 1k is nothing... if they can afford to throw $38k on single dota item im pretty sure its nothing to them