General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you get very rusty after not playing dota ?

Do you get very rusty after not playing dota ? in General Discussion

    Since i have started dota 2 ( about 3 months ago ) i played this game every fucking day lol i have 300 hours on this acc and like 150+ hours on my other account. im rly sick of it now and i rly need to take a break get back on track with real life. But every time i wanna quit i seem to find new hero thats very fun to play and its just impossible to quit.

    Anyway... i wanna take a break for a week completely ( and hopefully carry on playing just not as much) , i just wonder do you come back to Dota after break n you play like shit ? i just dont wanna lose all my epic skills i worked so hard on lol
    Like if you dont play CS:GO for a week you come back and play like total silver noob for a few days, i just wonder if its same with dota ?

    Giff me Wingman

      nah dota is different.

      i've took a break for 2 months and when i came back i was as good as before.

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        after you learn dota you don't unlearn it... you can get some mechanics rusty but that's it, after a couple of days you're fine


          idk about others but whenever i quit for long periods of time 1+++ month

          i come back as better player i get better understanding of current meta i get much better map awarness that i had before and overall decision making seems to be improved also

          maybe that just seems like that when u stop playing alot and take a long break


            oh thats good news! would be good to clear my head of this game n hopefully ill comeback even better. Ill just uninstal it for now i rly need to a break


              I have friends who passed like 6 or 7 months without playing a single game and came back pretty much as good as before