General Discussion

General Discussioncaptain, how can i play core windranger?

captain, how can i play core windranger? in General Discussion

    as the title said, i just want to be enlighted by you guys for some tips to play windranger as a 1st or 2nd.
    something likes skill build, item build, some situational builds and how to play her effectively, what time to do what thing etc... any idea will help me a lot.
    i'm noob, very stupid and super retarded so please be clear as u give some advices
    thanks a lot

    whiskey waters

      mid, null talisman bottle phase maelstorm dagger aga
      max powershot then ss

      yung griphook

        I am prob not the best to be giving out advice, BUT

        a little tip if youre new, is to use windrun if youre being targeted in teamfights. it makes you immune to right clicks essentially. Also good for tower diving and first bloods.


          u definetly want to start with null for extra damage to lasthit/harass in lane

          then bottle for sustain

          then phases for even more rightlick damage

          then dagger or force staff for some mobility

          then depending on the enemy team adjust rest of the items

          if they have qop/storm/etc get orchid

          if they have something like pa or troll get mkb

          mjolnir aghanims is really good in most of the cases too

          desolator helps with pushing and soloing rosh


            sure i think null is very good early games then into bottle into phase into mobility
            but how should i use the skills? should i constantly spam powershot then bottle-crow? i once see dendi did that but not really sure or should i spam shackle shot to harass and even looking for a chance to kill?
            if i can't bottle crow, how much mana should i keep while farming creep? keep 1 powershot to push the lane when the rune minute mark comning or keep 1 shackle + 1 powershot to constantly looking for a kill?
            thanks for u guys's comments


              nulls into bottle

              pshot waves and control runes when they're pushed out

              use windrun to trade hits and go aggro on oppo

              dagger is a must cos you're unlikely to land shacks be it laning phase or out of it

              otherwise get a forcestaff if you're up against a clock

              don't get a mek cos you won't have mana to sustain unless you get ab

              midas is pretty much a must (depending on how well/greedy your team is) cos wr falls off pretty easily after the midgame

              for core go mael for efficient dps and transition into an aghs/bkb depending on your oppos

              most item builds are situational


                @Dian 340 wr games :O


                  i really think mjollnir is bad. maelstrom is enough, the attack speed isn't worth it.


                    Thats how i go

                    If mid go null tango or 2 branches and ask for 1 tango for rush bottle
                    bottle>brown boots> ur winning mid in term of lh and ur team wont need u soon or u got fb go midas if not phase then midas> force/dag depending on there heroes>maelstorm> here its situational u can go from scythe or daed or orchid or scepter> scepter if u didnt build 1 > situational , bkb is good on wr so if they have too much disables get it.


                      I go for null > phase boots > orchid > blink dagger > optionals

                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                          ty for the comments :)
                          the last question is i want to learn what time to do what? like once valkiss teach me how to play slark: first 10 min just go offlane then try my best to survive while looking for some lh or sometimes even kill on enemy carry/sup. next 10-15 min i should roam more i bit and looking to clear the enemy jungle if possible.after that, the game is pretty much done. i always try to follow his word so my slark go quite well. i know there is not any formular to win but some kind of plays are quite good in most cases.
                          now can some guys tell me what to do minute-to-minute with wr? i'm still super noob and retarded so please be clear

                          NO MAP (TEST)


                            heres one of the best european windrangers playing against professional player winter.


                              This guy is an awesome windranger coach.