General Discussion

General DiscussionEU team UNCLE is in need of 4k+ offlane player!

EU team UNCLE is in need of 4k+ offlane player! in General Discussion

    Hello. My name is Nick Fury.

    "There was an idea... called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we <random pubbies in solo all pick> never could. "

    Now is the time for 4th or 5th; last guy, (position #3 AKA offlaner) depending upon circumstances to join UNCLE (ultra nice canadians losing everything) -

    Rules are simple - be good @offlane, have ~4000mmr or more (most of our current and participating members are ~4.7k+ mmr; up to 5.5k, but skill > mmr is what matters to me most; despite two being tied together in most cases); and have few offlane games in dotabuff no older than 7 days.

    Promising participants will probably get some games with current roster if they will want to/they can.

    Also YOU MUST dedicate at minimum of 3hrs/week for clan games. We play anytime between 18-22 UTC+2 (16-20hrs for you, UK people). People should be active, because no matter how good they are it doesnt matter if we cannot play as a team because few people are inactive. Also one should have skype/teamspeak 3; we will decide which one we will use later depending on votes/situation. Clan goals for those who interested - get good together, achieve decent teamwork and cooperation, maybe attend some tourneys later if everyone sticks to schedules.

    Leave your posts+dotabuff here/in my pm or/and add me on steam @


      yes i totally agree

      whiskey waters

        im in if i can be iron man.


          bulbaasaur can only be hulk


            Nick Fury =/= Nig Fury



                I am black, try me out


                  gif a try