General Discussion

General Discussionw8ing out LPQ

w8ing out LPQ in General Discussion

    I have 16 LPQ games for some time, and am not playing on this account because of it.
    How long will it take for those games to get removed? Its timed or it get removed with next big patch?


      don't think they will be removed, you need to play them ;)


        they won't get removed - you have to suck it up and play them....:)


          Necrolyte + Aura + Go in jungle vs. easy bots.

          That's about as easy as it gets. You still have to occasionally monitor the game in case you get killed.


            queue all random deathmatch without any language prefference on 3 different servers.

            for me its EU East, West and Russia

            queue time 5-10 minutes, then during match just run down middlelane and feed fast the enemy team or in case enemy team wants to feed you, then you just make sure you receive XP once in 5 min and alt-tab to do something on desktop.



              there is channels

              for low priority removal people make stacks 3-5 ppls and then que in ardm and feed mid games end in 4 mins each

              u can remove 16 lpq games in an hour with a good stack