General Discussion

General DiscussionMax shrapnel by what level?

Max shrapnel by what level? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Max by 7? Or get 2 headshot first?

    Feel free to clarify by lane


      well, it depends. sometimes u can invest just one point in it and pospone further upgrade till level 12. if u feel like u need it and there is a lot of action on your lane, gonna be reasonable to max it by lvl 7. if u r freefarming safelane, or staying mid vs someone like qop, then u wont benefit much from this skill.

        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

          lol take aim on lvl 1 :facepalm:

          and why the fuck would u skill shrapnel to level 3 and not get 4 scaling is exactly the same for every single level


            I think, at lvl 7 your skill build must be like 1/1/4/1 or 0/2/4/1 after that you can invest points in shrapnel.

            Btw, I think sniper must rush phase boots. Start with blades of attack and tango. With phase boots and maxed take aim, you can efficiently last hit and zone-out any opposition in your lane.

              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.


                lol only level 5 and you think your headshot would proc often enough to slow more than 3 charges of shrapnel

                on a side note; shrapnel is one of the most broken skills early~mid game if you have the mechanical skill to back it up

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                  Dire Wolf

                    It all depends on enemy. If you need to outrange them you get take aim, if they are not mobile you can fuck em up with shrapnel, if their a bitch like qop maybe you get headshot.

                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                      Dire Wolf

                        Ok maybe I suck but vs a hero like pudge I find take aim priceless. Or if you're not mid and safe lane and your support sucks ass at keeping their harassment off you then take aim can let you last hit without getting whittled down.


                          depends on the game.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            2-3-1-1-3-4-1-3-1-3-2 and so on. The thing is, without Take Aim, Sniper is just useless so you must find a balance between it and Shrapnel for maximum effectiveness.


                              no hes not useless

                              ur not supposed to fight with sniper early on anyway ur job is to farm up get survivability item either like mom and sangeyasha/manta or dagger/something for mobility and then some damage item and then start fighting